Aquaculture Asia Magazine, April-June 2023 In this issue: Aquaculture and fisheries perspectives in Arunachal PradeshDeepjyoti Baruah Present status of medium saline ‘bheri’ fishery and integrated mangrove-aquaculture in West Bengal, India: A short study: Part 2Subrato Ghosh Transforming waste to wealth: An onsite demonstration of transforming fish waste into fish fertiliser to tribal communities of JharkhandStanzin Gawa, A.K Singh and Jag Pal Innovative fish sale improved livelihoods at Jurala dam in Telangana, IndiaLaxmappa Boini, Ravinder Rao Bakhsi Pengba, Osteobrama belangeri – a candidate species for diversification in aquacultureMutum Deepti, Maibam Malemngamba Meitei, Soibam Ngasotter, and Amom Mahendraji First report on successful captive breeding of peacock eel, Macrognathus aralArchana Sinha, Himanshu S. Swain and B.K. Das NACA Newsletter [email protected] [email protected] Copyright all rights reserved First report on successful captive breeding of peacock eel, Macrognathus aral

The peacock eel Macrognathus aral is a popular ornamental and food fish species found in the Eastern Ghat region of India and Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal and Myanmar. The species is classed as Low Risk near threatened in the CAMP report. Peacock eel inhabits shallow waters of plains, wetlands, canals, paddy fields, beels and slow-moving rivers with vegetation. Captive breeding is the only way to fulfil demand and protect wild stocks. This article documents the first successful reported captive breeding of M. aral, embryonic development and larval rearing.

Wed, 05 Jul 2023 00:56:59 +0000
Pengba, Osteobrama belangeri – a candidate species for diversification in aquaculture

Pengba (Osteobrama belangeri) is a near-threatened minor carp endemic to eastern Manipur in India, Yunnan and Myanmar. A migratory species, wild populations of pengba have declined due to the construction of dams and barranges, and possibly also due to the introduction of alien species. Pengba is highly preferred by consumers and attracts a high market price. This article describes the feeding habits and reproductive biology of pengba, and aquaculture techniques for seed production and grow out in monoculture or polyculture. 

Tue, 04 Jul 2023 14:24:18 +0000
Innovative fish sale improved livelihoods at Jurala dam in Telangana, India

About 200 families that were displaced by construction of the Jurala reservoir have found new employment in fishing and value-added industry. Local people who up fishing add value to their catch by keeping it for live sale in locally-manufactured cages. Local people also use the live fish to prepare a variety of fresh fish dishes, servicing the tourist trade attracted to the reservoir. Over 400 people are now directly or indirectly self-employed through these practices. This article describes the new practices and the improved income that is being generated by fishers and local entrepreneurs.

Tue, 04 Jul 2023 13:56:26 +0000
Transforming waste to wealth: An onsite demonstration of transforming fish waste into fish fertiliser to tribal communities of Jharkhand

Management of waste products produced by fish processing can be an environmental and public health issue. But fish waste can be converted into agricultural fertilisers using simple backyard technology. This article describes techniques for producing fertilisers from fish waste, and a successful demonstration of the technology by the College of Fisheries, Gumla, to tribal communities in the state of Jharkand, India.

Tue, 04 Jul 2023 13:23:53 +0000
Present status of medium saline ‘bheri’ fishery and integrated mangrove-aquaculture in West Bengal, India, Part 2

This is part 2 of an article describing farming practices in bheri systems in West Bengal, India, including their integration with mangrove aquaculture. Since the late 1960s, brackishwater rural aquaculture in West Bengal grew and improved at a fast rate, from an extensive method of farming to a modified-extensive method. Part 2 discusses brackishwater polyculture in South 24 Parganas, including the experiences of farmers implementing an integrated mangrove-aquaculture project, and information on local bheri fisheries derived from published articles.

Tue, 27 Jun 2023 11:49:58 +0000
Aquaculture and fisheries perspectives in Arunachal Pradesh

Arunachal Pradesh is a hill state with a population of 1.38 million in far north-eastern India. With climate ranging from tropical to alpine across a steep altitudinal gradient, the state has a high fish biodiversity and a wide range of aquaculture systems and fishing practices. Both indigenous and exotic species are farmed and fished.

This article describes the species, aquaculture systems and capture fisheries practiced in Arunachal Pradesh as well as their future prospects for further development.

Fri, 23 Jun 2023 07:14:02 +0000