Presentation on opportunities to transform Fijian aquaculture: Challenges, innovative technologies, and nature-based solutions, by Chinthaka Hewavitharane (Pacific Community), Tekata Taoisi and Prashneel Chandra (Ministry of Fisheries, Fiji). Presented at the Inception Workshop for the project "Knowledge brokering for nature-based solutions in aquaculture transformation in Asia-Pacific: Support to the Aquaculture Innovation and Investment Hub", 4-5 June 2024, Bangkok.
]]>Presentation on opportunities to transform aquaculture in the Philippines: Challenges, innovations and nature-based solutions by Wilfredo Cruz and Sammy Malvas, Bureau of Fisheries and Agricultural Resources, Department of Agriculture, The Philippines. Presented at the Inception Workshop for the project "Knowledge brokering for nature-based solutions in aquaculture transformation in Asia-Pacific: Support to the Aquaculture Innovation and Investment Hub", 4-5 June 2024, Bangkok.
]]>This presentation provides an introduction and overview to the project "Knowledge brokering for nature-based solutions in aquaculture transformation in Asia-Pacific: Support to the Aquaculture Innovation and Investment Hub". The project contributes to NACA and FAO's work on aquaculture transformation, which aims to create more efficient, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable food systems through innovation, investment, and partnerships.
NACA is developing an Aquaculture Innovation and Investment Hub (AIIH) to help realise this vision in the region, providing a facility that will bring together innovators, startups, and investors to accelerate transformation. The presentation was given at the project inception workshop on 4 June 2024 in Bangkok. The project is funded by Canada's International Development Research Centre.
]]>Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is sponsoring the project "Knowledge Brokering for Nature-Based Solutions in Aquaculture Transformation in Asia-Pacific: Support to the Aquaculture Innovation and Investment Hub." The project is part of a wider IDRC AQUADAPT initiative, a four-year partnership running from 2023-2027. AQUADAPT addresses the intertwined challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, and food insecurity through applied research on nature-based solutions in aquaculture in Southeast Asia and the Pacific region. AQUADAPT emphasises Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI), ensuring that nature-based solutions are inclusive of all genders and marginalised groups. The project's inception workshop was held in Bangkok from July 4-5, bringing together project teams from Thailand, The Philippines, and Fiji to discuss approaches and methodologies.