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In this issue:
In this issue:
In this issue:
In this issue:
In this issue:
Aquaculture and fisheries perspectives in Arunachal Pradesh; Present status of medium saline ‘bheri’ fishery and integrated mangrove-aquaculture in West Bengal, India: A short study: Part 2; Transforming waste to wealth: An onsite demonstration of transforming fish waste into fish fertiliser to tribal communities of Jharkhand; Innovative fish sale improved livelihoods at Jurala dam in Telangana, India; Pengba, Osteobrama belangeri – a candidate species for diversification in aquaculture; First report on successful captive breeding of peacock eel, Macrognathus aral; NACA Newsletter.
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Augmenting entrepreneurial attitude among tribal women of Jharkhand through a skill development programme in fish value added products; Culture of hilsa, Tenualosa ilisha in freshwater ponds: Progress and prospects in farming practice; Present status of medium-saline ‘bheri’ fishery and integrated mangrove aquaculture in West Bengal, India: A short study, Part I; Information for farmers on yellow tail catfish, Pangasius pangasius, for easier captive production; Captive breeding and larval rearing of Cirrhinus reba, a small indigenous fish of aquaculture importance; NACA Newsletter.
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Sustainable livelihood model for coastal families through seabass fingerling production: A success story; A pilot of integrated mangrove-aquaculture as a nature-based solution to mitigate climate change in West Bengal, India; Recreational fisheries in Uttarakhand; Soft-shell mud crab production for export in Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India; Conducting artificial fertilisation, hatching and spawn development of Indian shad, Tenualosa ilisha: Pathfinding hilsa domestication; NACA Newsletter.
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Dynamics of small-scale aquaculture development in India: A review; Green water technology as an essential support to larval rearing of hilsa shad; Collection of freshwater molluscs and sale of meat by women in Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India; A success story of ornamental fish farming as a tool for alternative livelihood of tribal women in Keonjhar District, Odisha, India; Recent trends in seed production of stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis, in India; NACA Newsletter.
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