Workshop and conference proceedings

NACA frequently organises technical workshops and consultations on aspects of aquaculture. The proceedings of such meetings are made available for free download. Audio and video recordings of technical presentations are also available for some meetings (please see the podcast section).

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In this collection

Report of the Second STREAM Regional Conference, Tagaytay City, the Philippines, 8-10 June 2003

The Second STREAM Regional Conference was held in Tagaytay City, Philippines, from 8-10 June 2003 with the participation of 23 people from Australia, Cambodia, India, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Yunnan Province of China. Following a regional overview of STREAM’s themes, country partners, donors and funding, and activities, participants visited four “stations” on the themes of livelihoods, institutions, policy development, and communications, working in groups representing National Coordinators, Communications Hub Managers, and Partners. STREAM operations were discussed.

Report of the Grouper Hatchery Production Training Course, May 2003

This report documents a training course that was held at the Research Institute for Mariculture, Bali, Indonesia in May 2003. The course covered both theoretical aspects of grouper husbandry via lectures and practical hands-on work in a grouper hatchery, including broodstock management, tank preparation egg collection, live feed production, health management, harvesting and transport and visits to commmercial grouper and milkfish hatcheries, grow-out facilities, markets and exporters.

Report of the workshop on process monitoring and significant change, 26-28 June 2002

The aim of this workshop was to formulate an approach which would enable participants to start detailed work on a process monitoring system, building on current activities and using already existing skills in Cambodia, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. Objectives were to familiarise participants with recent developments in process monitoring and significant change, and to develop an action plan for each country and a set of guiding principles for a monitoring system to underpin work in all countries.

Report of the First STREAM Regional Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, 19-21 June 2002

This is the report of the First Regional STREAM Regional Conference, held 19-21 June 2002 in Bangkok, Thailand. The conference was the first opportunity for participants in the STREAM Initiative, launched on 1 December 2001, to come together to discuss the programme. The conference discussed the main activities of STREAM, ways of working, communications strategies, feedback from participating countries and issues to follow up.

Report of the Rural Aquaculture Service Recipients and Implementers Workshop, 9-10 May 2002, Jharkhand

The “Rural Aquaculture Service Recipients and Implementers Workshop” was held from 9-10 May 2002 in Ranchi, Jharkand. It was among the first activities of the DFID NRSP Research Project R8100 entitled “Investigating Improved Policy on Aquaculture Service Provision to Poor People”. The workshop provided the first opportunity for feedback on the project design from people who live and work in tribal communities in the three states of Jharkhand, Orissa and West Bengal.

Report of the Grouper Hatchery Production Training Course, May 2002

This report documents a training course that was held at the Research Institute for Mariculture, Bali, Indonesia in May 2003. The course covered both theoretical aspects of grouper husbandry via lectures and practical hands-on work in a grouper hatchery, including broodstock management, tank preparation egg collection, live feed production, health management, harvesting and transport and visits to commmercial grouper and milkfish hatcheries, grow-out facilities, markets and exporters.

Report on the formalisation of an Asia-Pacific marine finfish aquaculture network

The Asia-Pacific Grouper Network was initiated in 1998 at a meeting of grouper aquaculture researchers in Bangkok, Thailand, to promote effective regional cooperation among Asia-Pacific economies involved in grouper aquaculture research and development. This report has been prepared based on the recommendations of the NACA member governments to formalise the network within NACA as a regional network to support research and development in marine fish culture in the Asia-Pacific region.

Report of the APEC/NACA Cooperative Grouper Aquaculture Workshop, Hat Yai, Thailand, 7-9 April 1999

These are the proceedings of a workshop hosted by APEC and NACA under the project 'Collaborative APEC-NACA Grouper Aquaculture Network' (APEC Project FWG 01/99). The objectives of the workshop included the establishment of a regional research network to facilitate development of a sustainable grouper aquaculture industry; reduction of reliance on wild fingerlings for coastal grouper aquaculture, facilitate development of new aquaculture industries.

Report of the Regional Workshop on Sustainable Seafarming and Grouper Aquaculture, Medan, Indonesia, 17-20 April 2000

These are the proceedings of a workshop focussed on grouper culture, but also explored management strategies required to support the sustainable development of seafarming in the Asian region. The emphasis was on technology transfer and management strategies for the benefit of farmers and coastal communities. The workshop included special sessions on diversification of seafarming systems and culture species, the role of seafarming in the livelihoods of coastal communities.

Report of the Symposium on Coldwater Fishes of the Trans-Himalayan Region

The Kathmandu symposium on coldwater fishes made recommendations covering three major themes: (1) distribution and conservation of coldwater fishes; (2) role of coldwater fishes in rural development and poverty alleviation; and (3) coldwater fisheries and aquaculture development. This report presents the  the recommendations of the three working groups. The symposium recommended regional cooperation among countries of the Trans-Himalayan region be strengthened for effective sharing and exchange of skills, experiences and technical cooperation.