Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific

Policy guidelines, certification and codes of practice

Policy briefs and guidelines, certification standards, codes of practice and other voluntary instruments relating to aquaculture

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In this collection

Final Draft Code of Practice for Trans-boundary Movement of Aquatic Organisms in the Lower Mekong Basin

This Code of Practice is prepared to promote or ensure compliance to World Trade Organisation-Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures for the movement of live aquatic organisms in the Lower Mekong Basin. The goals of the Code are to achieve environmental protection and management, biodiversity conservation as well as prevention of spread of disease epizootics. Most of the points listed in this Code are based on the inputs of MRC Member Countries.

Public Sector Regulatory Systems for Ecosystems Based Management of Aquaculture - a GAP Analysis Tool

This document presents a tool in the form of an audit table that can be used to broadly screen and identify gaps in the management systems of government agencies responsible for regulating aquaculture. These gaps, once identified, can be a first step toward building regulatory frameworks that can better deliver on jurisdictional ecologically sustainable development and ecosystems approach to aquaculture objectives. The end product of an assessment is a report for consideration by decision makers.

Policy brief: Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change for shrimp farming in India

This brief summarises the results from the interdisciplinary and multi stakeholder participatory study conducted within the Aquaclimate Project in Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, India looking at the impacts of climate change on shrimp farming. The brief further provides guidelines for development of policy measures to address the climate change impacts on small scale shrimp farming.

Technical brief: Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change for shrimp farming in India

This technical brief summarises the results from the interdisciplinary and multi stakeholder participatory study conducted within the Aquaclimate project in Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, India, looking at the impacts of climate change and adaptation measures in the shrimp farming sector. The brief further provides guidelines for adaptation measure that can be undertaken by the farmers together with the institutional, policy and science and technology support for improving their adaptive capacity to cope with future climate change.

Policy brief: Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change for milkfish farming in the Philippines

This brief summarises the results from the interdisciplinary study conducted within the Aquaclimate project in Iloilo province in the Philippines looking at the impacts of climate change on small scale milkfish farming. The brief provides guidelines for adaptation and policy development to address the climate change impacts on small scale milkfish farming in the Philippines and how adaptation measures should be implemented in the region.