Contacting the editor

Please note

  • Editorial resources are extremely limited. Please do your best to comply with the instructions below.
  • Correspondence via email, only.
  • No surveys.

Press releases and announcements

  • Send announcements that ready for use (I will not write one for you).
  • Announcements should be professionally edited, written for a general aquaculture audience.
  • Submit announcements as Word documents (not PDF files).
  • Submit photographs as full-sized and unedited .jpeg or .png attachments, exactly as they came off the camera.


  • Magazine correspondence: magazine 'at'
  • All other correspondence: info 'at'

File sharing

  • Please send files as actual email attachments, only.
  • Explain the nature and purpose of the file in your email.
  • For security reasons, unsolicited, unexplained and/or "linked" files will be discarded, unopened.


Creative Commons Attribution.