Staff directory

Dr Eduardo Leano, Director General BSc, MSc, PhD

Serves as chief executive officer; directs NACA programme in accordance to a Regional Work Programme formulated and endorsed by the Technical Advisory Committee and approved every 5 years by the Governing Council; manages the NACA Secretariat. Also manages the Regional Aquatic Animal Health Programme and provides specialist advice on aquatic animal health matters. Provides assistance to countries in the Asia-Pacific region on the assessment of health status, institutional development and other activities in strengthening national programmes on aquatic animal health management, disease surveillance and reporting, and other health management measures. Serves as secretary to the Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health Management.
Ph +66-2 561 1728 ext. 117.
Email: eduardo 'at'

Mr Hassanai Kongkeo, Technical Assistant to the Director-General BSc. MSc (Microbiology, Chemical Engineering)

Provides advice on technical aspects of aquaculture and performs functions of a Senior Aquaculturist, managing and coordinating NACA's aquaculture development research and training programme, provides advice to NACA collaborating centres on research and training matters; liaises with the host government and manages internal financial audit.
Ph +66-2 561 1728. ext. 110.
Email: hassanai.kongkeo 'at'

Mr Simon Wilkinson, Manager, Information and Networking BSc. (Hons) Grad. Dip. (Aquaculture)

Manages NACA's Information and Communication Program. This includes design and management of the NACA website and related programming; production of NACA's publications and magazine Aquaculture Asia; planning and operating the information support components of NACA projects; and providing advice and technical assistance to NACA Collaborating Centres on information and communications for development support, including training in website design.
Ph +66-2 561 1728 ext. 113.
Contact the Editor

[Position vacant] Sustainable Farming Systems, Education and Training Programmes

Manages the Sustainable Farming Systems Programme and the Education and Training Programme. Initiates, organises and implements training programmes including study tours; assists the Director General in organizing and implementing regional training activities including technical assistance and technical exchange; in monitoring the status of NACA work plan implementation, progress of programme and projects, and recommends as well as takes appropriate action.

Mr Surapong Chaocheawchan, Information and Communication Technology Specialist MSc, Computer Science

Assists in developing the information and communication technology and strategy (eNACA) programme; develops and supervises the operation of the various databases and information systems in NACA; undertakes other activities related to ICT, including maintaining the NACA webservers, email facilities and LAN.
Ph +66-2 561 1728 ext. 107.
Email: surapong 'at'

Ms Wella Udomlarp, Administrative and Finance Officer BSc

Coordinates finances and accounts, contracts, and travel and manages administrative functions for the Secretariat.
Ph +66-2 561 1728 ext. 101.
Email: wella 'at'

Postal Address

PO Box 1040, Kasetsart Post Office
Bangkok, 10903
Ph: +66-2 561 1728
Fax: +66-2 561 1727

Office Address

Suraswadi Building, Department of Fisheries
Kasetsart University Campus
Ladyao, Jatujak, Bangkok 10900
Email: info 'at'

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About NACA

Information about the NACA Secretariat and key documents.