Policy guidelines, certification and codes of practice

Policy briefs and guidelines, certification standards, codes of practice and other voluntary instruments relating to aquaculture

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NACA publishes a wide range of aquaculture publications including technical manuals, workshop proceedings, better practice guidelines and several serials including Aquaculture Asia Magazine, the NACA Newsletter and the Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report. To keep up to date with developments you could consider subscribing to our RSS feed

In this collection

Technical brief: Vulnerability and adaption to climate change impacts on catfish farming in Vietnam

This brief reports on a catfish farming stakeholder workshop and focus group meeting on vulnerability and adaption to climate change held in Can Tho, Vietnam. Stakeholders including catfish farmers in general expressed that climate change is a serious threat, having observed shifts in climatic patterns, saline water intrusion and frequent typhoons. Suggestions to reduce on-farm risks included producing quality fry, developing new culture systems, elevating dykes, livelihood diversification, awareness workshops and financial support to farmers.

Policy brief: Fisheries and aquaculture in a changing climate

Climate change impacts such as more frequent and severe floods and droughts will affect the food and water security of many people. The impact of climate change on aquatic ecosystems, fisheries and aquaculture, however, is not as well known. This policy brief, a joint partnership between several agencies, highlights this issue to ensure that decision makers and climate change negotiators consider aquatic ecosystems, fisheries and aquaculture at the UNFCCC COP-15 in Copenhagen, December 2009.

International Principles for Responsible Shrimp Farming

Shrimp farming is one of the fastest growing aquaculture sectors in many parts of the world and also one of the most controversial. The International Principles for Responsible Shrimp Farming provide the basis upon which stakeholders can collaborate for a more sustainable development of shrimp farming. The principes address issues including farm siting, farm design, water use, broodstock and postlarvae, feed management, health management, food safety and social responsibility.

What are policy briefs?

Our policy briefs are an attempt to share beneficial lessons that are learnt from local practice or from research, to many more people within Asia-Pacific and to enable people, institutions and policy makers to use new tools and mechanisms which support aquatic resources management in ways that benefit the livelihoods of people who are poor. 

Policy brief: Livelihoods approaches in fisheries and aquaculture

In the Asia-Pacific region national government support to aquatic resources management has tended to focus mainly on research and technology development. However, as we accept an increasingly important role for national fisheries administrations in poverty alleviation, we need to consider the choices that people make, the resources they can command and the circumstances in which they can be woven into supporting livelihoods. This means understanding more about people's livelihoods, resources, context, vulnerabilities and objectives.

Policy brief: Building consensus

Consensus-building techniques are particularly appropriate when decision-making is required in a political or emotional environment, or when the decisions affect strong factions with opposing preferences. It can work formally or informally, in large or small group contexts, assisting in reaching agreement on policy change proposals, involving people that are recipients of policy, implementers of policy, shapers of policy and policy makers in defined roles with a process to give people a voice.

Policy brief: Development and management of aquaculture-based fisheries enhancements

This policy brief aims to promote better management of aquaculture-based fisheries enhancements (stocking of hatchery fish to improve fisheries) through integrated analysis of enhancement systems and quantitative assessment of management practices through use of the EnhanceFish decision tool.

Policy brief: Self-recruiting species from farmer-managed aquatic systems - are they important to the livelihoods of rural communities?

Self-recruiting species are defined as aquatic animals that can be harvested from farmer managed aquatic systems without regular stocking. This may include indigenous or introduced, small or larger species. Identified self-recruiting species in the Red River Delta includes exotic species (tilapia), large (snakehead, walking catfish and river catfish) and small (Anabas and Carassius auratus) indigenous fish species and non-fish species (freshwater shrimp and crabs).

Aquaculture Development Beyond 2000: The Bangkok Declaration and Strategy

The main output of the International Conference on Aquaculture in the Third Millennium. The Declaration summarises the key impediments and opportunities in aquaculture development that are likely to arise over the next 20 years and provides strategic policy guidance for sustainable aquaculture development. The Declaration was adopted by conference participants in a plenary session.

Manual of procedures for the implementation of the Asia Regional Technical Guidelines on Health Management for the Responsible Movement of Live Aquatic Animals

The Manual of Procedures for the Implementation of the Asia Regional Technical Guidelines on Health Management for the Responsible Movement of Live Aquatic Animals provides background material and detailed technical procedures to assist countries and territories in the Asia Region in implementing the Asia Regional Technical Guidelines on Health Management for the Responsible Movement of Live Aquatic Animals. The Technical Guidelines were initiated due to increased recognition that disease emergence is often linked to live aquatic animal movements.