
Content related to Artemia aquaculture, wild harvest and use in hatcheries.

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NACA Newsletter, Vol. XXXVII, July-September 2022

In this issue:

  • NACA to host the International Artemia Aquaculture Consortium
  • Wenzhou virus 8 (WZV8) diagnosis by unique inclusions in shrimp hepatopancreatic E-cells and a molecular detection method
  • Report on the Webinar on Management of Artemia Resources of the Great Salt Lake, 5 May 2022
  • Twentieth Meeting of the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health

Report of the SDG-aligned Artemia Aquaculture Workshop

Annual consumption of Artemia is now estimated at 3,500 – 4,000 tonnes, underpinning the production of over 900 billion crustacean post larvae and fish fry. With approximately 90 percent of the current Artemia production harvested from inland salt lakes, the future of the hatchery industry could be at risk and requires urgent attention. The purpose of the workshop was to explore needs and opportunities for a new international initiative to guarantee a more sustainable provision of Artemia, both from natural sources and from controlled extractive Artemia farming integrated with salt production and other fish/crustacean aquaculture.