Workshop on sustainable brine shrimp Artemia cultivation, 17 February, Tashkent

Although the drying up of the Aral Sea and the salinisation of a lot of agricultural lands in different regions in Uzbekistan (UZB) and Kazakhstan (KAZ) have major negative consequences, there is a high potential to develop a new profitable industry and create new job opportunities in this region: the environmental-friendly and sustainable pond farming of brine shrimp Artemia, a wellknown source of food in the farming of fish and crustacean species around the world. This workshop aims to show the outcomes of the implemented Artemia pilot project, present guidelines and recommendations important for such a new business sector, lessons learned and discuss prospects of Artemia production to further develop aquaculture sector in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

Although the drying up of the Aral Sea and the salinisation of a lot of agricultural lands in different regions in Uzbekistan (UZB) and Kazakhstan (KAZ) have major negative consequences, there is a high potential to develop a new profitable industry and create new job opportunities in this region: the environmental-friendly and sustainable pond farming of brine shrimp Artemia, a wellknown source of food in the farming of fish and crustacean species around the world.

The regional project ECO ARAL (Ecologically oriented development of the Aral Sea Region) financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ has initiated a pilot project in Karakalpakstan to showcase the feasibility of
a sustainable Artemia cultivation in environmentally friendly earth ponds. The Artemia project is implemented in cooperation with the International Innovation Center for the Aral Sea Region in Nukus under the Ministry of the Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the
Republic of Uzbekistan, the Academy of Science in Nukus, Ghent University (Belgium) and Can Tho University (Vietnam).

This workshop aims to show the outcomes of the implemented Artemia pilot project, present guidelines and recommendations important for such a new business sector, lessons learned and discuss prospects of Artemia production to further develop aquaculture sector in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

For more information please download the flyer linked below.


Publisher: Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific

Rights: Public domain.