
The Gender Programme was established to ensure that NACA implements the action plans on gender mainstreaming within its activities. With a continued interest in embracing gender integration among relevant agencies, NACA aims to build up capacity of members in gender mainstreaming in all its undertakings, and motivate support and action globally.

Insufficient capacity for gender research and application among stakeholders is a hindrance to effectively implement programs integrating the gender dimensions in development. Adding a gender dimension in aquaculture value chains will give assurance to consumers that seafood has been produced sustainably.

Key activities

Key activities of the programme are:

  • Women, Youth and Aquaculture Development Programme.
  • Organising and supporting symposia on Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries.
  • Capacity building on gender integration and mainstreaming.
  • Curriculum development on gender in aquaculture and fisheries education.
  • In-country gender assessment reports for policy, action and research.
  • Publication of case studies and success stories on gender in aquaculture value chains.
  • Coordinating the Regional Gender Practitioners’ Network and mentoring programmes.
  • Campaigns and policy advocacy for gender integration in aquaculture.

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Subject tags

A collection of subject tags relating to technical matters.

In this collection

The international seafood trade: The Vietnamese shrimp trade: Livelihoods analysis of stakeholders and market chain analysis

This report provides insight into the status of the shrimp trade in Vietnam, including policy environment, export capacity, production chain, distribution channels, markets and constraints. The report also reviews the livelihoods of poor stakeholders, including women, in shrimp market chains from input service supply, seed and broodstock supply, grow out, trade and processing. The report provides recommendations for policy makers and stakeholders in improving the livelihoods of poor stakeholders in shrimp market chains.

International seafood trade: Supporting sustainable livelihoods among poor aquatic resource users in Asia. Synthesis report with pro-poor trade research findings and policy recommendations

The purpose of the project was to investigate international trade in fisheries products and its relationship to poverty alleviation and livelihoods of poor aquatic resource users in developing countries in Asia, and to identify options to improve the effectiveness of poverty reduction through international seafood trade. The project directly addressed the EC-PREP priority area of trade and development, and indirectly provided valuable insight to two other priority areas: food security and sustainable rural development; and institutional capacity building.

Second monitoring and evaluation workshop: Promoting the pro-poor policy lessons of R8100 with key policy actors in India

The objective of this project, in taking forward the achievements of the earlier projects, is to develop and promote mechanisms for the delivery of rural services that can reach and benefit marginalised poor men and women of scheduled tribes and scheduled castes. This workshop in Kaipara Village was meant to “understand the quality of performance in service delivery to poor people through the project monitoring and evaluation system.” Significant change stories were prepared by participants.


STREAM Journal Volume 4, No. 3, July-September 2005

In this issue: One-stop aqua shops - an emerging phenomenon in eastern India. Ranchi One-stop Aqua Shop. Kaipara One-stop Aqua Shop. Bilenjore One-stop Aqua Shop. Patnagarh One-stop Aqua Shop. Using bar-coding in a one-stop aqua shop. About the STREAM Journal. About STREAM.

Mahajal - the big fishing net: A street play performed at the Policy Review Workshop, Noida, Delhi, 24-25 April 2003

Mahajal – The Big Fishing Net was written by Mr Rakesh Raman, a playwright from Ranchi, Jharkhand, and performed by his theatre troupe. The play was written as an interpretation of the outcomes of the project case studies carried out in Jharkhand, Orissa and West Bengal. Act One sets the scene of fisherfolk’s livelihoods and the difficulties they face in a tribal village. Act Two places the project’s policy change recommendations within the context of their lives and aspirations.

STREAM Journal Volume 4, No. 2, April-June 2005

In this issue: Changes in Jabarrah. Palu Hijau in the Banggai Islands  - using knowledge for change. Three stories from Nepal. Me and my work. Livelihoods approaches - skills learned, applied and shared. About the STREAM Journal. About STREAM. This edition is also available in Ilonggo and Vietnamese.

STREAM Journal Volume 4, No. 1, January-March 2005

In this issue: Young people taking bolder steps. Providing a venue for voices to be heard. Rehabilitation of a bundu pond - STREAM's initiative and DOF's action. Coastal resources utilisation and conservation issues in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. People, fish and reefs - a livelihoods learning curve. Understanding the marine ornamental trade and its impact on the livelihoods of poor stakeholders in the Philippines. About the STREAM Journal. About STREAM. This edition is also available in Ilonggo and Vietnamese.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, January-March 2005

In this issue:

Freshwater prawn culture in China and its market prospects. Demise of wastewater-fed duckweed-based aquaculture in Bangladesh. Freshwater finfish biodiversity - an Asian perspective. Her farm is destroyed, how can we help? Women oyster vendors in Eastern Thailand. Farm-level feeds and feeding practices for marine finfish. ACIAR grouper grow-out feeds and CSIRO research. Feed development and application for juvenile grouper. Grouper growout feeds. Silver pomfret culture technology.

Workshop on Livelihoods Approaches and Analysis, 6-10 September 2004, Yunnan, China

This is the report of the “Yunnan DOA/NACA-STREAM/FAO Workshop on Livelihoods Approaches and Analysis” that was conducted in Mengzi, Yunnan from 6-10 September 2004. The purpose of the workshop was to develop and document mechanisms for training in livelihoods approaches and analysis, and to build national capacity to conduct livelihoods analysis. The workshop in Yunnan was the first STREAM event in China, with colleagues coming to participate from throughout the province.

STREAM Journal Volume 3, No. 4, October-December 2004

In this issue: Pasoso Project - local livelihoods and turtle conservation in a small island MPA in central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Fisheries development in Lao PDR. The jankar system for sustainable livelihoods: Lessons from the BRFP. Alternative livelihoods for landlocked areas in BFAR Region 6. Lessons learned and future replication from Trao Reef locally managed marine reserve. About the STREAM Journal. About STREAM. This edition is also available in Ilonggo.