Health and welfare

The Aquatic Animal Health Programme assists members to reduce the risks of aquatic animal disease impacting the livelihoods of farmers, national economies, trade, environment and human health by:

  • Improving regional cooperation in aquatic animal health and welfare.
  • Developing and implementing national strategies on aquatic animal health.
  • Improving surveillance, reporting and response to disease emergencies.
  • Promoting harmonisation of diagnostic procedures and risk assessment.
  • Widespread promotion of better aquatic animal health management practices at the farm level.

Key activities

Key activities of the programme include:

  • Convening the annual meeting of the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health, coordinating the Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report and bringing regional issues to the attention of global standard setting bodies such as the Office International des Epizooties.
  • Establishment and expansion of a three-tier shared resource in aquatic animal health.
  • Development of farm-level health management tools for key aquaculture commodities.
  • Supporting regional disease surveillance and reporting.
  • Strengthening aquatic animal health and biosecurity in the region.
  • Facilitating harmonisation in disease diagnostic techniques.
  • Developing resource material in support of diagnosis and surveillance.


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Subject tags

A collection of subject tags relating to technical matters.

In this collection

AHPNS - experiences from Thailand

Presentation on the impact of acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome on shrimp farming in Thailand.

AHPNS - experiences from Malaysia

Presentation on the impact of acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome in Malaysia.

AHPNS - experiences from Vietnam

Presentation on acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome in Vietnam.

One month mortality syndrome - revising an old story

Presentation on "one month mortality syndrome".

Management of EMS - what works and what does not?

Presentation on the management of acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome or "early mortality syndrome".

Disease preparedness - theory and practice. What have we learnt?

Presentation on emergency aquatic animal disease preparedness and response.

AHPNS - current knowledge, gaps and research priorities

Outcomes of group discussion on AHPNS current knowledge, gaps and research priorities.

AHPNS detection, reporting and surveillance

Outcomes of a group discussion on AHPNS detection, reporting and surveillance.

AHPNS - biosecurity, emergency response and disease management

Outcomes of a group discussion biosecurity, emergency response and disease management for acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome.

AHPNS - regional disease response

Outcomes of a group discussion on national / regional response to acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome.