Marine finfish

Information relating to aquaculture of marine finfish.

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Major farmed commodity or species groups.

In this collection

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, July-September 2003

In this issue:

Ornamental fish farming in India. Tilapia for Indian aquaculture? Peri-urban food production in southeast Asia. Socio-economic consequences of shrimp farming in Andhra Pradesh. Breeding techniques for golden arowana Scleropages formosus. Captive breeding of peacock eel Macrognathus aculeatus. Substrate-based aquaculture systems. Extension in shrimp health management - experiences from India. Treatment of disease in freshwater shrimps and crabs in China. Larval rearing techniques for humpback grouper Cromileptes altivelis.

Report of the Grouper Hatchery Production Training Course, May 2003

This report documents a training course that was held at the Research Institute for Mariculture, Bali, Indonesia in May 2003. The course covered both theoretical aspects of grouper husbandry via lectures and practical hands-on work in a grouper hatchery, including broodstock management, tank preparation egg collection, live feed production, health management, harvesting and transport and visits to commmercial grouper and milkfish hatcheries, grow-out facilities, markets and exporters.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, April-June 2003

In this issue:

Peri-urban aquaculture in Kolkata. Diffusion and adoption of shrimp farming technologies. Aquaculture education in India. Information system on fish germplasm resources in China. Freshwater crustacean aquaculture in China. The role of macronutrients. Innovations by Bengal farmers. Scientific guidelines for freshwater prawn farmers in India. Status of mariculture in Indonesia. Use of probiotics in larval rearing. Problems in shrimp culture during the wet season.

NACA Newsletter Volume XVIII, No. 2, April-June 2003

In this issue:

Recommendations of the Aquamarkets Consultation 2003. EC-funded project targets seafood trade and poverty. Shrimp disease control and coastal management. Fisheries and Adaptive Learning project. Shrimp aquaculture certification: Request for information & advice on a new web site. Workshop on control and responsible use of alien species. MPEDA/NACA Technical Assistance on Shrimp Health and Coastal Management. Changes to the regional list of aquatic animal diseases. STREAM SAPA Stakeholder Workshop in Hanoi. Regional Training Course on Grouper Hatchery Production. Review on low food chain species for marine fish culture. NACA/Deakin University to visit Indonesia 2-7 April 2003.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, January-March 2003

In this issue:

Fertilisation, soil and water quality management. Commercialisation of giant freshwater prawn culture in India. Aquaculture in reservoir-fed canal systems. Production of black-lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera. Hybridisation hassles. Breeding sea cucumber Holothuria scabra in Vietnam. Use of palm kernel meal in feeds. Getting the most out of your feed. Marine finfish aquaculture in Myanmar. Penaeus monodon culture in low-salinity areas. Fisheries and aquaculture in Nepal.

Report of the first meeting of the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health, 6-8 November 2002

The Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health meets annually to discuss regional health issues including emerging disease threats. This report includes a review of regional disease status circa 2002, global and regional disease reporting arrangements, global issues and standards, progress in implementation of the Regional Technical Guidelines on Health management for the Responsible Movement of Live Aquatic Animals, identification and designation of regional aquatic animal health resources and regional and international cooperation.

An economic assessment of current practice and methods to improve feed management of caged finfish in several SE Asia regions

This paper examines farming practices in marine fish cage aquaculture in southeast Asia with reference to feed and feeding. It proposes a range of reforms to improve the economic performance of the sector, including selective breeding, use of hatchery-reared fingerings, modernisation of cage systems, improved feed management and use of dry pelleted feeds, relocation of cages to better quality sites and a greater degree of government and private sector co-operation in research and development.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, July-September 2002

In this issue:

Aquaculture for poverty alleviation and food security. Shrimp pond waste management. Properties of liming materials. Seed production of mud crab Scylla spp. The dilemmas of strain selection. Seed production of the crucifix crab Charybdis feriatus. A general approach to disease treatment and control. Breeding and seed production of mangrove snapper Lutjanus argentimaculatus. Responsible use of antibiotics in shrimp farming. Health management for cultured marine fishes. Molecular methods for rapid detection of pathogens in seafood.

NACA Newsletter Volume XVII, No. 3, July-September 2002

In this issue:

Iran poised to become member. Indonesia Ministry endorses membership. NACA and FAO implements Phase II of the Asia-Pacific Regional Program on Molluscan Health Management. Message to NACA Alumni: Proposed Alumni Network. Research and Technology for Farmer and Environment Friendly Farming of Marine Fish in the Asia-Pacific. NACA Organises Four Training courses and Study Tours for Bangladesh in the third quarter.

Report of the Grouper Hatchery Production Training Course, May 2002

This report documents a training course that was held at the Research Institute for Mariculture, Bali, Indonesia in May 2003. The course covered both theoretical aspects of grouper husbandry via lectures and practical hands-on work in a grouper hatchery, including broodstock management, tank preparation egg collection, live feed production, health management, harvesting and transport and visits to commmercial grouper and milkfish hatcheries, grow-out facilities, markets and exporters.