Nutrition and feeding

Information relating to nutrition and feeding in aquaculture.

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Development and use of alternatives to fishmeal and other high cost feed ingredients in aquaculture

Studies on fishmeal substitution have been conducted on many aquaculture species and publications indicate that some can be grown on fishmeal-free feeds with amino acid supplements. Quantities of fishmeal and fish oil in feed formulations have been substantially reduced and it appears that inclusion levels can be further reduced without sacrificing growth performance and utilisation of nutrients. The potential to utilise alternatives to fishmeal and fish oil in aquaculture diets is reviewed and issues and gaps identified.

Overview of aquaculture feed production and use in the Asia-Pacific region

In this analysis the maximum and minimal amounts of feed required to produce finfish and shrimp in the region has been estimated. Globally a great deal of effort and time have been spent on issues related to fish meal and fish oil and aquafeeds. Ongoing practices thought to result in inefficient use of feed resources are highlighted and improvements shown. Information on feed usage in aquaculture in a few nations in the region are discussed and emerging issues highlighted.

Status of aquaculture feed and feed ingredient production and utilisation in Philippines

It is estimated that around 1,061,173. tonnes of commercial aquaculture feeds were consumed on 2016. The aquaculture feed milling industry in the Philippines is presently  over capacity, based on the above-estimated feed requirement. The current primary law on animal feeds, which also covers aquaculture feeds, is under legislative review. Animal feeds ingredients standards are defined under administrative orders. Quality standards for finished aquaculture feeds are specified under the Philippine National Standards on Aquaculture Feeds (PNS/BAFPS 84: 2010).

Status of aquaculture feed and feed ingredient production and utilisation in Vietnam

This presentation gives an overview of aquaculture feed production and related issues in Vietnam.

Status of aquaculture feed and feed ingredient production and utilisation in Thailand

Approximately 90% of aquaculture produce in Thailand are fed with a complete commercial feed. The Department of Fisheries is responsible for the licensing and registration of feed to be sold for commercial purposes. High quality fishmeal is a priority for aquaculture feed production especially for shrimp and marine fish and this has significantly affected feed cost. Most agricultural by-products are already utilised for purposes such as livestock, pet foods, fertilisers and biofuels, so competition for alternative ingredients is high.

Status of aquaculture feed and feed ingredient production and utilisation in Korea

Olive flounder and Korean rockfish make up over 60% out of total finfish production. However, marine fish culture heavily relies on farm-made feed. Although the Korean government has made various attempts to promote sustainable aquaculture, most farmers still prefer to use raw fish-based frozen pellets to compounded feed. To secure the sustainable growth of domestic aquaculture and feed production, the Korean government needs to press on with policy enforcement andresearch and development to provide low-priced compounded feeds.

Status of aquaculture feed and feed ingredient production and utilisation in Pakistan

Aquaculture has become an important sector in terms of its potential for increasing domestic supply of quality protein in Pakistan. Promising prospects exist for further growth in carp production due to high profitability and because there are about 2 million hectares of freshwater bodies (lakes, reservoirs and rivers) suitable for aquaculture. Fish farming in Pakistan is operating on an extensive or limited semi-intensive level and use of artificial feeds is limited, only having been introduced as a practice recently.

Status of aquaculture feed and feed ingredient production and utilisation in Nepal

In mountain and hilly regions rainbow trout is the main fish species cultivated whereas carps, tilapia and pangasius are cultivated in the inner terai and terai region. Around 12,000 tonnes of pellet feed is used in aquaculture, of which about one third is imported from India. Around 60% of carps are fed with pellets or homemade feed. Around 40% of carp farmers, mainly small-scale, do not use any types of artificial feed but rely upon natural productivity of ponds.

Status of aquaculture feed and feed ingredient production and utilisation in Myanmar

Freshwater aquaculture in Myanmar is dominated by rohu, but other carps, tilapia and giant freshwater prawn are also cultured. At present around 25% of freshwater finish farmers in Myanmar are using commercial feeds from factory mills while the remaining 75% still use locally available rice bran only or rice bran and oil cakes. Soft shell mud crab and marine fish farming are thoroughly dependent on trash fish. A significant local feedmill industry exists, but many ingredients need to be imported.

Status of aquaculture feed and feed ingredient production and utilisation in Maldives

 Aquaculture production is relatively recent in the Maldives in comparison to the rest of the Asia-Pacific region, with only one hatchery facility currently operational. Small-scale grow out operations for hatchery produced groupers as well as the hatchery production of milkfish as an alternative live feed for the pole-and-line fishery is expected to kick-off in the near future. The availability of by-product from the local tuna fishery has potential to support feed manufacture.