Nutrition and feeding

Information relating to nutrition and feeding in aquaculture.

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12th Technical Advisory Committee held in Cha-am, Thailand

The twelfth meeting of NACA’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) was held in the coastal town of Cha-am, Thailand from 9-12 March. The TAC meets every two years to review NACA’s rolling work programme and propose amendments to realign it with the current needs of member governments and to account for new and emerging issues. In proposing changes, the TAC prioritises issues of common concern to member governments where there are prospects for regional collaboration.

AFSPAN Final Technical Report now available

The objectives of the Aquaculture for Food Security, Poverty Alleviation and Nutrition (AFSPAN) project were to strengthen the knowledge base and develop new and more rigorous methodologies of quantifying the contribution of aquaculture to combat hunger and poverty, thus providing the evidence upon which sound strategies, policies and research programs can be developed to support the sustainable expansion of aquaculture to maximise its impact on food and nutrition security and poverty alleviation.

NACA Newsletter, Volume XXIX, No. 3-4, July-December 2014

In this issue:

Culture-based fisheries exchange visit from Lao to Cambodia. National Fish Day, Cambodia. WAS Adelaide: Special Session on Regional Cooperation for Improved Biosecurity. Inbreeding and disease in tropical shrimp aquaculture: a reappraisal and caution. Shrimp EMS/AHPND Special Session at DAA9. 2nd International Symposium on Aquaculture and Fisheries Education. Report on Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture for Food Security and Nutrition.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, January-March 2014

In this issue:

Towards meeting future demand for fish: Aquaculture in inland or marine land or water-based systems? Status of carp farming in India. Recent trends in mariculture in southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Murrel (snakehead) culture in backyard cement tanks: A breakthrough and a success story. Mobile telephony - ICT eneabled fisheries extension service for sustainable shrimp farming. International Symposium on Small-scale Freshwater Aquaculture Extension. Report on early mortality syndrome / acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome of shrimp.

NACA Newsletter, Volume XXIX, No. 1, January-March 2014

In this issue:

International Symposium on Small-scale Freshwater Aquaculture Extension, 2-5 December, Bangkok. 12th Meeting of the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health. National Workshop on EMS/AHPND of Cultured Shrimp held in India. Report on early mortality syndrome / acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome of shrimp. Sustaining Ethical Aquaculture Trade Newsletter. India and the AFSPAN Project. Report on AFSPAN Chilean survey. Feeding and feed management of Indian major carps in Andhra Pradesh.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, October-December 2013

In this issue:

Special session on regional cooperation for improved biosecurity. Pond aquaculture taking off in Nepal. Introduction of culture-based fishery practices in small water bodies in Cambodia: Issues and strategies. A case study on polychaete fishery by the Irular tribal fishing community on the Tamil Nadu coast. Use of pangasius pond sediment for rooftop bag gardening: Potential for rural-urban integrated agriculture-horticulture. Culture-based fisheries exchanges between Lao PDR and Cambodia.

NACA Newsletter, Volume XXVIII, No. 4, October-December 2013

In this issue:

Culture-based fisheries development in Lao PDR and Cambodia proceeding well. National aquatic animal disease surveillance programme launched in India. Report on early mortality syndrome / acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome of shrimp. International Symposium on Small-scale Freshwater Aquaculture Extension, 2-5 December, Bangkok. 'Perfect' food for 'perfect' prawns. Aquaculture without Frontiers Special Session. We asked CSIRO: Gold Coast Tiger Prawns. Understanding the sex of salmon. Overcoming smallholder challenges with biotechnology. Coordinated efforts in aquaculture needed to meet global demand. FAO e-book collection for tablets and e-readers.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, April-June 2013

In this issue:

Workshop on mainstreaming gender in NACA. Fish Farmer Field School: Towards healthier milkfish / shrimp polyculture and fish farmer empowerment in South Sulawesi. A success story of Maa Tarini Self Help Group Ornamental Fish Unity, India. Use of lactic acid bacteria in fish farming. AFSPAN field surveys underway. Anti-viral treatment for healthier black tiger prawns. Jungle perch on the comeback trail. Nursery management of grouper manual. Hatchery management of tiger group manual.

Feeds and feeding: Problems and plausible approaches in intensification and attaining sustainability

Improved feed management represents a critical component in the sustainability equation, and the industry’s responses, particularly in respect to the use of fish meal and fish oil, will determine whether feeds are likely to become a limiting factor in attaining sustainability. In order to continue to contribute to global food fish supply, the sector will have to intensify. The presentation discusses plausible means of reducing dependence on these commodities as well.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, January-March 2013

In this issue:

Health issues are not going away. Sustainable and Ethical Aquaculture Trade project in China. Oyster aquaculture for coastal defense and food production in Bangladesh. Importance of mycotoxins in aquaculture feeds. A model modular farm for size grading and monosex culture of freshwater prawn. Angelwing clam (Pholas orientalis) future assured after Thai DOF's breeding success. Ompok bimaculatus, an emerging species for diversification of aquaculture in Tripura, North-eastern India.