National Training Workshop for Cluster Certification Trainers

Small scale farmers are under increasing pressure from the globalised trading environment. International requirements on food safety, traceability, animal health and welfare and social responsibility are increasingly stringent. The burden of compliance and the cost of certification are particularly heavy for small scale farmers who are often excluded by the limited resources at their disposal. Working in groups can help small scale farmers attain economies of scale necessary to address compliance issues and participate in certification schemes, improving their competitive position. However, forming collaborative groups and coordinating their activities brings it own challenges. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) supported the Government of Thailand to implement a technical coperation project on "Certification for small-scale aquaculture in Thailand". A train-the-trainers workshop was convened from 21-23 April 2011 to extend the outcomes of the project to DOF personnel involved in aquaculture certification and extension.

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NACA publishes audio and video recordings of presentations from technical workshops and conferences. You may listen or view the presentations via the player within the website, or download them for later use. Our audio files are in mp3 format, while video files are in mp4.

In this collection

Aquaculture certification and market access: Opportunity or bottleneck for small scale farmers?

C.V. Mohan presents on aquaculture certification and market access and the implications for small-scale farmers.

Opportunities and challenges facing small-scale farmers in Asia

Miao Weimin presents on aquaculture certification opportunities and challenges for small scale farmers.

Thailand GAP: A potential tool for farmers, in comparison to global standard

Michael Phillips presents on Thailand's Good Aquaculture Practices certification scheme, and compares it to global standards.

Cluster certification: Way forward for small-scale farmers

A cluster-based approach allows small-scale farmers to participate in aquaculture certification schemes.

Opportunities and challenges facing small-scale farmers in Asia

Small-scale farmers face many challenges in the face of globalisation. Ever-increasingly competition, increasingly strict food safety and evironmental standards, and a growing regulatory burden can make it difficult for small farmers to survive. A cluster or cooperative approach can help farmers achieve economies of scale to remain competitive.

Thailand GAP: A potential tool for farmers, in comparison to global standard

A comparison of the variance between Thailand GAP and the global standard, and it's application to the aquaculture industry.

Cluster certification: Way forward for small-scale farmers

Cost and logistical constraints can be barriers to the inclusion of small-scale farmers in aquaculture certification schemes. Adopting a cluster-based approach, where groups of adjacent farms are certified together, can facilitate the participation of small-scale producers maintain their access to markets. Group-based certification can also assist with extension and implementation of better management practices required to achieve certification and compliance monitoring.