
China's involvement in NACA.

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NACA member governments

NACA member governments are: Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, I.R. Iran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Korea (DPR), Lao PDR, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.

In this collection

Global Conference on Aquaculture 2020 postponed

Due to the devastating impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic the conference has been postponed. New dates have not been set, but it is anticipated that the meeting will be held in 2021 when circumstances allow. The venue will remain Shanghai, China. In the meantime, work on the programme will continue. Updates will be posted in due course.

NACA Newsletter, Vol. XXXV No. 1, January-March 2020

In this issue:

Join us for the aquaculture event of the decade! 18th Meeting of the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health; New Director General of the Department of Fisheries, Thailand; Thailand holds National Sea Bass Fair; Tuskfish CMS 2.0 is available; Regional consultations on strengthening aquaculture governance and demographic changes in fishing communities; INFOFISH World Shrimp Conference and Exposition.

Consultation on Strengthening Governance of Aquaculture for Sustainable Development in Asia-Pacific

The 35th Session of Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission has identified the lack of effective governance as a major threat to sustainable aquaculture growth for greater contribution to achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The objectives of the consultation were to: Share the results of country studies on aquaculture governance in respective countries; identify gaps, issues and challenges in aquaculture governance; and recommend strategies and actions to improve and strengthen aquaculture governance.

Aquaculture Governance in China

Audio recording of presentation delivered at the Consultation on Strengthening Governance of Aquaculture for Sustainable Development in Asia-Pacific, 5-6 November 2019, Bangkok, Thailand.

Fact sheet on Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei, a microsporidian parasite of shrimp

EHP or Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei is a fungal microsporidian parasite that infects the hepatopancreas (hp) of tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) and whiteleg shrimp (P. vannamei) in Thailand and results in slow growth and, in chronic infections, mortalities. EHP is also known from Brunei, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Venezuela and Vietnam. This fact sheet provides information on the EHP life cycle, signs of infection, diagnosis and management in both hatcheries and growout, as well technical contacts for further information.

Regional consultations on strengthening aquaculture governance and demographic changes in fishing communities

Two consultations were held back to back in Thailand from 5-7 November, namely the Consultation on Strengthening Governance of Aquaculture for Sustainable Development in Asia-Pacific and the Consultation on Demographic Changes in Fishing Communities in Asia. The consultations were held at the Centara Grand Hotel at Ladprao, Bangkok. The consultations were attended by 29 participants from 15 countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The consultations were jointly organised by FAO and NACA. Audio recordings are available of some presentations.

NACA Newsletter, Vol. XXXIV No. 3, July-September 2019

In this issue:

First announcement: Global Conference on Aquaculture 2020, 26-30 October, Shanghai, China; Bangladesh delegation visits Thailand to study shrimp aquaculture; Expert Consultation on Development of Sustainable Aquaculture Guidelines, Rome; Report of the Seventeenth Meeting of the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health; Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report, October-December 2018; Tuskfish 2 Alpha: Testers wanted.

Report of the Seventeenth Meeting of the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health

This report summarises the proceedings of the 17th meeting of the Advisory Group, held 13-14 November 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand. The group's role includes reviewing disease trends and emerging threats in the region, identifying developments in global aquatic disease issues and standards, evaluating the Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Reporting Programme and providing guidance on regional strategies to improve aquatic animal health management.

NACA Newsletter, Vol. XXXIV No. 2, April-June 2019

In this issue:

30th NACA Governing Council Meeting, China; Dr Huang Jie elected as the next Director General of NACA; Expert Consultation on Genetically Responsible Aquaculture; Launch of AGRISI: Aquatic Genetic Resource System of India; Aquatic animal epidemiology training course held at NBFGR; Asia-Pacific Laboratory Proficiency Testing Workshop; Proceedings of the FishAdapt Conference; Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report, July-September 2018; Centex Shrimp International Training Course on Biology and Pathology of Penaeid Shrimp; INFOFISH World Shrimp Trade Conference and Exposition.

Outcomes of the 30th NACA Governing Council, China

The 30th Governing Council was held in Guangzhou, China, 26-27 March. 74 participants attended the Governing Council Meeting representing fifteen member governments, with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia attending as an observer. The host Government, China, was elected as Chair of the 30th Governing Council. Hong Kong SAR was elected as Vice Chair. Key outcomes included the election of Dr Huang Jie as the next Director General of NACA, and preparations for the Global Conference on Aquaculture 2020.