NACA Newsletter

NACA Newsletter.
NACA Newsletter.

The NACA Newsletter covers research and development news from collaborating research centres and member governments. It published both as a stand-alone publication and as a section in Aquaculture Asia Magazine.

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In this collection

NACA Newsletter Volume XVII, No. 2, April-June 2002

In this issue:

Roll-out of national aquatic animal health strategies continues. STREAM concludes inception phase of 'Improved Policy on Aquaculture Service Provision to Poor People' Project in India. Expert consultation on rapid diagnosis of shrimp viral diseases held in Chennai, India. ACIAR/NACA Workshop on Feeds and Feeding Constraints in Inland Aquaculture: Research and Extension Priorities. NACA supports health management in Indian shrimp farming. Marine Finfish Aquaculture aquaculture programme gears up for workshop. Launch of Trans-Himalayan Coldwater Fisheries Network Website. NACA Organises Emergency Assistance to Indonesia in the Control of a Serious Koi and Common Carp Disease.

NACA Newsletter Volume XVII, No. 1, January-March 2002

In this issue:

Governing Council 13 / AFBiS Seminar. US Consultation sets work agenda for the WB-NACA-WWF-FAO. Consortium on Shrimp Farming and the Environment. Conclusions and Recommendations of the Joint meeting of AFBiS 2002 and the 13th NACA Governing Council. FAO/NACA Expert Consultation Focusing on Aquaculture and Small-scale Aquatic Resource Management for Poverty Alleviation. Myanmar Fishery and Livestock Fair 2002 a huge success. Nepal develops national strategy on aquatic animal health management. Shrimp Farming & the Environment Case Studies now available on the web. NACA implements APEC project on Import Risk Analysis. MOU on project to prevent disease losses on prawn farms. Andhra Pradesh Fisheries Minister studies Thai & Malaysian aquaculture systems. Vietnamese mission evaluates new high value Chinese species.