Special guest lectures in aquaculture

A series of occasional lectures on important topics in aquaculture, given by visiting scientists and aquaculturists.

Creative Commons Attribution.


Podcasts & videos

NACA publishes audio and video recordings of presentations from technical workshops and conferences. You may listen or view the presentations via the player within the website, or download them for later use. Our audio files are in mp3 format, while video files are in mp4.

In this collection

Artisinal tropical aquaculture in a genetic plunge towards extinction

Artisanal shrimp aquaculture is in a disease-induced crisis of lost production. The immediate cause is biological: rising levels of inbreeding and a strong, positive relationship between inbreeding and disease. The root cause is social: a nexus of human behavior in which breeders protect their intellectual property by generating inbreeding, local hatcheries sell copied, inbred shrimp, and farmers suffer the consequences.

State of Asian inland aquaculture: Production systems and technology

Peter Edwards provides an overview of the status of Asian inland aquaculture production systems and technology. The account characterises the sector, examines major issues, provides historical perspectives on development of the sector and definitions and examples of both traditional and modern aquaculture. This lecture was presented to a visiting delegation of officials from Iraq.