Mr Simon Wilkinson, Communications Manager

Mr Simon Wilkinson, Communications Manager

Information and Communications, Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific

Email: [email protected]


Expert in electronic communications and information system design; Editor and software developer for this website; Editor of Aquaculture Asia Magazine; author of the Tuskfish CMS software project and developer for ImpressCMS; FAO consultant on information management. Twenty years experience working in international fisheries and aquaculture policy, including 17 years working for an international development organisation in communications, training and capacity building.


Culture-based Fisheries Development in Lao PDR and Cambodia

Culture-based fisheries (CBF) are a useful development strategy for improving the income and food security of rural communities. CBF requires minimal capital outlay, mobilising farming communities to make use of existing small dams and reservoirs for the secondary purpose of foodfish production. The objective of this project is to introduce community-based CBF to Cambodia, and to consolidate the gains of communities that have adopted CBF in Lao PDR.

Aquaculture for Food Security, Poverty Alleviation and Nutrition

The AFSPAN Project was a three-year initiative to improve our understanding of the role of aquaculture in food security, poverty alleviation and human nutrition. The project developed new methodologies to quantify the impact of aquaculture in developing nations and low income food deficit countries. The findings will contribute to more efficient planning, coordination and implementation of research and development programmes increasing aquaculture impact on food security, livelihoods and poverty alleviation for the poor.

Investigation and bridging major gaps in aquaculture statistics in selected important aquaculture producing countries in Asia

Accurate statistics are increasingly crucial to inform policy making and safeguard aquaculture development. Asian countries collectively contribute close to 90 percent of world aquaculture production in recent years. However, data on production is incomplete or unavailable in some countries. This FAO-funded project will assess the status of aquaculture statistical reporting in four Asian countries.


Contact details

Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific
PO Box 1040, Kasetsart University Post Office
Ladyao, Jatujak
Bangkok 10903
Mobile: +662 561 1728
Fax: +662 561 1727
Email: [email protected]