25 October 2018 | 4450 views | .zip | 409.94 KB | Better management practices, Hatchery and nursery, Marine finfish, Education and Training, Thailand
Over the past few decades, substantial advances have been made in science and technology on marine finfish aquaculture and the region has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and technical expertise. To facilitate information exchange and technology extension for sustainable development of marine finfish culture, NACA periodically offers a Regional Training course on Marine Finfish Seed Production and Grow-out Techniques. Applications are now open for the 9th such course, which will be held from 19-30 November at the Krabi Coastal Fisheries Research and Development Center, Thailand.
Drawing on expertise throughout the region and supported by experienced field experts in collaborating research centres, this two-week highly hands-on training course aims to provide participants with a favourable learning environment to update their knowledge and enhance their skills in marine finfish seed production and grow-out operations, with an emphasis on tropical groupers and Asian seabass.
The course includes hands on training in broodstock selection and maintenance, inducing fish to spawn, egg incubation, preparation of live feeds, early and advanced nursing, seed harvesting, packaging and transportation. The course also includes a theoretical background on biology, reproductive physiology, nutrition and health management. Field visits will showcase production technology and operation of small and medium-scale grouper hatcheries, nurseries, grow-out farms, live feed production and supply, and live seafood export in Thailand. Some government research and extension institutes will also be visited.
Applications / prospectus
To apply, or obtain further information about the course, please download the attached application form and prospectus. Training fees apply. Applications should be returned ASAP to [email protected].
Public domain.