Aquatic animal epidemiology training course held at NBFGR

The ICAR-NACA School on Aquatic Epidemiology and Disease Surveillance was held at the ICAR National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources (NBFGR) from 1-6 March. The school was a collaboration between the Indian Council of Agricultural Research and NACA.

Participants were welcomed by Dr Kuldeep K. Lal, Director of NBFGR. Dr Gaurav Rathore, Head of the Fish Health Management and Exotics Division introduced the programme.

The course was lead by Professor Kenton Morgan, Ex-Chair of Epidemiology at the University of Liverpool. Dr Eduardo Leano, Coordinator, Aquatic Animal Health Programme, NACA and Dr I. Karunasagar, ex-FAO, gave invited lectures.

The school covered:

  • Concepts and principles of epidemiology.
  • Use of epidemiological principles in design and implementation of surveillance programmes.
  • Sampling considerations for surveillance programmes.
  • Population surveys.
  • Estimation of sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic tests.
  • Questionnaire design.

NACA would like to thank the ICAR-National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, its staff and Professor Morgan for their efforts.

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