4 August 2021 | 1365 views | Health and Biosecurity
The new OIE World Animal Health Information System (OIE-WAHIS) was initially launched in 2020, with an aim to develop a modern and dynamic platform to ease the burden on Members to collect and report information on the global animal health situation to the OIE, as well as to make animal health information more easy-access and usable to the public.
In this regard, OIE and NACA also planned the establishment of a Regional Core online reporting system for non-OIE listed aquatic animal diseases of regional importance in Asia and the Pacific under the new OIE-WAHIS Six-Monthly Report (SMR) module. Before the launch of the OIE WAHIS release two, and in order to create a more user-friendly reporting system and adapt to the trends of on-line reporting, submitted data will be validated by OIE RRAP and NACA and published on the dedicated page of the OIE Regional website and NACA website where anyone can access disease reports in chronological order.
All Members are now invited to submit all the monthly data as soon as available to OIE RRAP (rr.asiapacific 'at' oie.int) and NACA (eduardo 'at' enaca.org) with their OIE Delegate in copy to ensure the timeliness of the disease information. Data should be approved and validated by the OIE Delegate or the Focal Point for Disease Notification prior to submission. With the new template for disease reporting (2021) distributed to all members, the new AAD monthly reporting will be a rolling report containing all the disease information from January of each year.
On behalf of NACA and OIE-RRAP, we encourage all members in the Asia-Pacific region to regularly submit monthly aquatic animal disease reports.
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