7 February 2010 | U Aung Htay | 2223 views | .mp3 | 5.32 MB | Genetics and Biodiversity, Stock enhancement, Myanmar
Myanmar has an extensive system of inland water resources, the great bulk of which are still in a pristine condition. Fish, consumed in fresh and many processed forms is an important component of the protein intake of the population; consumption is estimated at 43 kg capita per year in 2008-2009. Stock enhancement of inland waters in Myanmar has been conducted since 1967, initiated through a seed replenishing program to the natural water, such rivers, lake, dams even rice fields etc. The National Fisheries Development Plan and National Resource Management Policy aim to increase fish production by stocking fish and prawn seeds into dams, reservoirs, and other natural waters bodies and combined with improved public awareness on conservation of fisheries resources towards sustainable fisheries development.
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