Climate change

The Climate Change and Emerging Global Issues Programme provides policy guidance on key strategic and emerging issues such as climate policy, energy efficiency and alternatives to use of fish meal in aquaculture feeds.

The programme endeavours to bring to public domain the positive aspects of aquaculture as a significant contributor to food security and the livelihoods of rural communities, and actively promotes south-south cooperation.

Key activities

  • Development of projects and policy guidance on emerging issues of regional interest.
  • Contribute to the global dialogue on use of fish meal and oil in animal feeds and resource usage in the reduction industry.
  • Providing a regional platform for members to develop common policies and strategies to address emerging global issues.
  • Facilitating the development of an environmental monitoring system to strengthen fisheries and aquaculture resilience and to improve early warning in the lower Mekong Delta.
  • Evaluating the vulnerabilities of aquaculture systems to climate change.
  • Strengthening adaptive capacities of small-scale resource-poor farmers to the impacts of climate change.
  • Adaptive learning and management in community fish pond and school fish pond projects.
  • Playing a catalytic role in south-south cooperation in aquaculture development.
  • Communication of success stories in aquaculture.

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Subject tags

A collection of subject tags relating to technical matters.

In this collection

Case study on the impacts of climate change on shrimp farming in Andhra Pradesh, India

Shrimp aquaculture is threatened by climatic changes that affect infrastructure and livelihoods of farmers. Ecological changes, inundation of low-lying lands and saline intrusions into freshwater regions are likely to cause substantial dislocation of communities and disruption of farming systems. The focus of the present study report is on mapping the small scale farmer’s perceptions and attitudes towards climate change impacts and their adaptive capacities to address the impacts in Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Policy brief: Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change for shrimp farming in India

This brief summarises the results from the interdisciplinary and multi stakeholder participatory study conducted within the Aquaclimate Project in Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, India looking at the impacts of climate change on shrimp farming. The brief further provides guidelines for development of policy measures to address the climate change impacts on small scale shrimp farming.

Technical brief: Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change for shrimp farming in India

This technical brief summarises the results from the interdisciplinary and multi stakeholder participatory study conducted within the Aquaclimate project in Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, India, looking at the impacts of climate change and adaptation measures in the shrimp farming sector. The brief further provides guidelines for adaptation measure that can be undertaken by the farmers together with the institutional, policy and science and technology support for improving their adaptive capacity to cope with future climate change.

Policy brief: Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change for milkfish farming in the Philippines

This brief summarises the results from the interdisciplinary study conducted within the Aquaclimate project in Iloilo province in the Philippines looking at the impacts of climate change on small scale milkfish farming. The brief provides guidelines for adaptation and policy development to address the climate change impacts on small scale milkfish farming in the Philippines and how adaptation measures should be implemented in the region.

Case study on the impacts of climate change on milkfish pond production in Panay Island, Philippines

This case study examines the impacts of climate change on milkfish farmers in Iloilo. Farmer perceptions of climate change, attitudes and adaptation strategies were mapped via focus group discussion, stakeholder workshops and questionnaires. Measures that could be achieved to reduce vulnerability to climate change include sustainable aquaculture practices; diversification of farmers’ income sources; diversification of culture species; utilising natural resources to increase productivity; and building farmer capacities through access to information and knowledge.

Science brief: Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change for shrimp farming in India

This brief summarises the results from the interdisciplinary and multi stakeholder participatory study conducted within the Aquaclimate project in Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, India, looking at the impacts of climate change and adaptation measures in the shrimp farming sector. The brief based on scientific analysis and stakeholders inputs, further provides science and technology solutions to be undertaken for improving farmers' adaptive capacity to climate change.

Impact of climate change on culture-based fisheries in seasonal reservoirs, Sri Lanka

The present study identifies changes in reservoir filling patterns and water retention period of seasonal reservoirs in Sri Lanka in five administrative districts from 1960 to 2010. Results reveal that there is high drawdown in the recent past in seasonal reservoirs compared to the 1960s, and a forward shifting pattern of drawdown due to altered rainfall patterns. These changes have affected the culture season and the duration of the culture period of stocked fingerlings in the reservoirs.

Technical brief: Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change for milkfish farming in the Philippines

This technical brief summarises the results from an interdisciplinary study in two municipalities in Panay Island, Philippines, looking at vulnerability to climate change, impacts and adaptation measures for milkfish farmers. The brief provides guidelines for adaptation measure that can be undertaken by the farmers together with institutional, policy, science and technology support required to improve their adaptive capacity to cope with future climate change.

Science brief: Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change for milkfish farming in the Philippines

This brief summarises the results from the interdisciplinary study conducted within the AQUACLIMATE project in Iloilo province in the Philippines, looking at the impacts of climate change on small scale milkfish farming. The brief provides guidelines for academics, researchers and technologists to support farmers for adaptation measures to address the climate change impacts on small scale milkfish farming.

Case study: Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change for catfish farmers in the Mekong Delta

The catfish industry in the Mekong Delta faces several risks and challenges including disease, environmental issues, fluctuating price, higher quality requirement of the product, and climate changes, including salt water intrusion. The different production zones were found to be different in terms of their climate change impacts, productivity, culture system and socio-economic characteristics. This study examines farmers perceptions of climate change, scientific and policy support requirements and potential adaptation strategies to sustain the industry.