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Subject tags

A collection of subject tags relating to technical matters.

In this collection

System requirements report for 'level 2' - national management institutions, Fisheries Department in Cambodia

This report describes the national-level requirements for data collection and sharing mechanisms for fisheries co-management in Cambodia. It presents the findings from a thorough literature review and workshops, group and individual interviews. Community fisheries in Cambodia are at a very early stage of development, and the exact management responsibilities are still poorly understood by many stakeholders. This report relates the information needs voiced by participants in this study.

Community Fisheries Development Office Strategic Plan

In October 2000 the government of Cambodia announced a major change in fisheries management policy. The core elements of the new policy are the reduction of fishing lot concession areas by 56%, the broader participation of fishing communities in the management of fisheries and a focus on the efficient, sustainable and equitable use of the living aquatic resources. This document details the Strategic Plan for the CFDO in the Department of Fisheries (DoF) based on its mandate.

Shrimp Farming and the Environment: Can Shrimp Farming be Undertaken Sustainably?

This report is intended primarily as a discussion paper, to serve as the basis for informed dialogue and policy development to encourage more detailed guidelines following further study and consultation. It seeks, in particular, to answer three commonly posed questions: Is sustainable shrimp farming possible? Can poor coastal communities benefit from it? And, if so, what role can agencies like the World Bank play to ensure that basic minimal requirements to achieve this are met?

Report of the second meeting of the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health, 10-12 November 2003

The Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health meets annually to discuss regional health issues including emerging disease threats. This report includes a review of regional disease status circa 2003, global and regional disease reporting arrangements, global issues and standards, progress in implementation of the the Regional Technical Guidelines on Health management for the Responsible Movement of Live Aquatic Animals, identification and designation of regional aquatic animal health resources and regional and international cooperation.

A case study on institutional aspects of shrimp aquaculture in Thailand

This case study documents the success and lessons learnt from local co-management approaches involving farmers associations and local government in Thailand. The case study also shows the linkages and relationships of institutions operating at different levels of administration from farm to national levels and their effect on management. The case study provides an analysis of institutional supports and mechanisms needed for successful shrimp farming management via case studies.

Code of good management practices for shrimp aquaculture in Sri Lanka (abstract)

The code development work was undertaken by the NARA in collaboration with the NAQDA, MFNWP, PEA, Shrimp Farmers and Exporters Associations, Shrimp Breeders Association, feed suppliers and manufacturers. This was developed mainly conducting consultations with different stakeholders of the industry and discussed at a forum with the representation of all stakeholders to reach consensus. The code includes technical specifications for the siting, design, construction and operation of shrimp hatcheries and farms.

Trans-boundary aquatic animal pathogen transfer and the development of harmonized standards on aquaculture health management

This document provides the report of the joint APEC/FAO/NACA/SEMARNAP workshop on “Trans-boundary aquatic animal pathogen transfer and the development of harmonized standards on aquaculture health management,” held at Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 2000. The workshop reviewed the impacts of trans-boundary pathogens, management strategies and harmonisation of of aquatic animal health management measures. Participants adopted the “Puerto Vallarta Plan of Action” incorporating recommendations for to control the spread of serious aquatic animal pathogens.

Manual of procedures for the implementation of the Asia Regional Technical Guidelines on Health Management for the Responsible Movement of Live Aquatic Animals

The Manual of Procedures for the Implementation of the Asia Regional Technical Guidelines on Health Management for the Responsible Movement of Live Aquatic Animals provides background material and detailed technical procedures to assist countries and territories in the Asia Region in implementing the Asia Regional Technical Guidelines on Health Management for the Responsible Movement of Live Aquatic Animals. The Technical Guidelines were initiated due to increased recognition that disease emergence is often linked to live aquatic animal movements.

Asia Regional Technical Guidelines on Health Management for the Responsible Movement of Live Aquatic Animals

The Asia Regional Technical Guidelines on Health Management for the Responsible Movement of Live Aquatic Animals and their associated implementation plan, the Beijing Consensus and Implementation Strategy provide expert guidance for national and regional efforts in reducing the risks of disease due to trans-boundary movement of live aquatic animals. The Technical Guidelines were initiated due to increased recognition that disease emergence is often linked to live aquatic animal movements and causes significant socio-economic losses.

STREAM Journal Volume 2, No. 4, October-December 2003

In this issue: An experience with group formation in Jabarrah, West Bengal. Aquaculture self-help groups in rural West Bengal. Lessons learned for Fulwar Toli from an exposure visit to Jabarrah. Livelihood intervention by Fish Farmers Development Agency - a success story from Mayurbhanj, Orissa. Understanding of assets-based livelihoods through participatory rural appraisal to eliminate hunger. Poverty ranking tools in PRA - experiences of EIRFP in addressing vulnerability. This edition is also available in Vietnamese, Khmer, Ilonggo and Oriya.