Food security, safety and certification

Food safety is a key concern for international trade in fish products. The constantly changing regulatory environment and safety requirements of importing countries pose a special challenge to small-scale aquaculture producers.

The programme assists members to assure the safety and quality of aquaculture products through the adoption of science-based better management practices. Policy issues concerning aquaculture certification and activities in market access are also addressed.

The programme focuses on assisting small-scale farmers to adapt to the changing trade and safety environment. Cluster-based management approaches and formation of farmer societies are promoted as practical mechanisms for implementation of better management practices.

Key activities

  • Evaluation of commodity-specific better management practices for meeting domestic and international food safety standards.
  • Facilitating establishment of national residue testing and monitoring programmes and sharing of information amongst member countries.
  • Improving access to markets by small-scale farmers.
  • Improving market development for low-cost aquaculture commodities.
  • Address biosecurity and associated human health issues regarding the consumption of fish and processed products.
  • Development of farmer groups and cluster-based certification concepts and methodologies.

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Subject tags

A collection of subject tags relating to technical matters.

In this collection

Preliminary studies on the effect of livestock manure application on bacterial fish disease and human hygiene

An investigation on the effect of application of livestock manure, the biomass of aerobic heterotrophic bacteria and Colicin population and distribution of AeromonasPseudomonas and pathogenic bacteria of the human digestive tract which are also present in the body mucus of black carp, grass carp, silver carp and bighead carp as well as in pond water (on the application of manure of chicken, duck, cow and pig) was conducted in the fish farming areas in Wuxi, China.