Food security, safety and certification

Food safety is a key concern for international trade in fish products. The constantly changing regulatory environment and safety requirements of importing countries pose a special challenge to small-scale aquaculture producers.

The programme assists members to assure the safety and quality of aquaculture products through the adoption of science-based better management practices. Policy issues concerning aquaculture certification and activities in market access are also addressed.

The programme focuses on assisting small-scale farmers to adapt to the changing trade and safety environment. Cluster-based management approaches and formation of farmer societies are promoted as practical mechanisms for implementation of better management practices.

Key activities

  • Evaluation of commodity-specific better management practices for meeting domestic and international food safety standards.
  • Facilitating establishment of national residue testing and monitoring programmes and sharing of information amongst member countries.
  • Improving access to markets by small-scale farmers.
  • Improving market development for low-cost aquaculture commodities.
  • Address biosecurity and associated human health issues regarding the consumption of fish and processed products.
  • Development of farmer groups and cluster-based certification concepts and methodologies.

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Subject tags

A collection of subject tags relating to technical matters.

In this collection

Poverty and aquatic resources in Vietnam: An assessment of the role and potential of aquatic resource management in poor people's livelihoods

A scoping Meeting on “Sustainable Aquaculture for Poverty Alleviation” was held in Hanoi , 23-25 May 2000. The meeting was held to review the role of aquaculture development (freshwater, brackish water and marine environments) in poverty alleviation and hunger eradication in Vietnam, to identify strategies for the more effective application of aquaculture and aquatic resources management to poverty alleviation, to review a draft framework for a programme on sustainable aquaculture for poverty alleviation and to prepare an appropriate action plan.

Aquatic resources in the Philippines and the extent of poverty in the sector

This report presents an overview of the state of aquatic resources in the Philippines, its performance and importance in the Philippine economy, and explores the situation of poverty in the "aquatic resources sector." The report describes the policy environment that guides the action of key actors in the sector. A general analysis of some trends in relation to factors that keep the poor from participating and benefiting from aquatic resource management is also provided.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, January-March 2004

In this issue:

Aquaculture and food security in Iraq. Natural breeding in captivity - conservation of the threatened freshwater featherback Notopterus notopterus. Culture of Penaeus japonicus. Enzymes for sustainable aquaculture. Review of global tilapia farming practices. Fish culture in Yucatan, Mexico. Shrimp farm project planning, preparation and implementation. Coping with low shrimp prices. Efficiencies in barramundi culture. The innovative contributions of women in aquaculture. Marine finfish section. What's new on the web. Aquaculture calendar.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, July-September 2003

In this issue:

Ornamental fish farming in India. Tilapia for Indian aquaculture? Peri-urban food production in southeast Asia. Socio-economic consequences of shrimp farming in Andhra Pradesh. Breeding techniques for golden arowana Scleropages formosus. Captive breeding of peacock eel Macrognathus aculeatus. Substrate-based aquaculture systems. Extension in shrimp health management - experiences from India. Treatment of disease in freshwater shrimps and crabs in China. Larval rearing techniques for humpback grouper Cromileptes altivelis.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, July-September 2002

In this issue:

Aquaculture for poverty alleviation and food security. Shrimp pond waste management. Properties of liming materials. Seed production of mud crab Scylla spp. The dilemmas of strain selection. Seed production of the crucifix crab Charybdis feriatus. A general approach to disease treatment and control. Breeding and seed production of mangrove snapper Lutjanus argentimaculatus. Responsible use of antibiotics in shrimp farming. Health management for cultured marine fishes. Molecular methods for rapid detection of pathogens in seafood.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, January-March 2002

In this issue:

Chemical residues. Live reef fish trade in Hong Kong. Barramundi farming in Australia. Freshwater pearl and prawn production in China. Status of common carp varieties under culture in China. Induced spawning of Pangasius sutchi. Cambodian farmers innovate cost-effective variations on Chinese hatcheries. Genes and fish. Improving rural livelihoods in Cambodia, Vietnam, Nepal and the Philippines through the STREAM Initiative. Marine finfish news, book reviews and more.

Proceedings of the Conference on Aquaculture in the Third Millennium

This volume, the third major publication arising from the Conference on Aquaculture in the Third Millennium, contains the information essential to conduct well-informed discussion of sustainable aquaculture development - both at the Conference, as well as after. The information provide basic reference points on the progress, direction and magnitude of aquaculture changes, and the factors associated with these changes, within global, regional, sectoral, thematic and technical perspectives.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine

Aquaculture Asia Magazine is an autonomous publication that gives farmers and scientists in developing countries a voice. Stories concern the small-scale aquaculture prevalent in the region and the circumstances of farmers trying to make ends meet in an increasingly globalised world. We accept articles on any aspect of aquaculture and the related processing, marketing, economic, environmental and social issues. An RSS feed is available if you wish to stay informed of new issues.

Podcasts & videos

NACA publishes audio and video recordings of presentations from technical workshops and conferences. You may listen or view the presentations via the player within the website, or download them for later use. Our audio files are in mp3 format, while video files are in mp4.

Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report

The Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease report provides information about the status of aquatic animal disease in 21 participating states in the Asia-Pacific region. The diseases covered in the report are reviewed annually by the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health. The report was first published in the second quarter of 1998. It is a joint activity between NACA, FAO and the OIE Regional Representation (Tokyo).