Hatchery and nursery

Information related to hatchery management, larval rearing and seed production in aquaculture.

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Aquaculture Asia Magazine, April-June 2014

In this issue:

Integrated rice/crayfish farming in Hubei Province, China. Improvement of seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii culture production by reducing grazing by rabbit fish (Siganus spp.). Exploring the fisheries of Wular Lake, Kashmir, India. Golden mahseer Tor putitora - a possible candidate species for hill aquaculture. Free primers for specific detection of bacterial isolates that cause acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease. Special session on regional cooperation for improved biosecurity. AHPND detection discussion group established.

Expert consultation on genetic erosion risk analysis for shrimp diseases in Asia

Shrimp aquaculture in tropical regions is facing a disease-induced catastrophe of lost production. There is reason to believe that current broodstock management practices may induce genetic erosion that increases susceptibility to disease and vulnerability to epizootics. The basic tenet for this Expert Consultation is that an important aggravating factor in the disease crisis is an agro-economic system that locks shrimp breeders, hatcheries and farmers into behaviour that induces high levels of inbreeding.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, January-March 2014

In this issue:

Towards meeting future demand for fish: Aquaculture in inland or marine land or water-based systems? Status of carp farming in India. Recent trends in mariculture in southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Murrel (snakehead) culture in backyard cement tanks: A breakthrough and a success story. Mobile telephony - ICT eneabled fisheries extension service for sustainable shrimp farming. International Symposium on Small-scale Freshwater Aquaculture Extension. Report on early mortality syndrome / acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome of shrimp.

NACA Newsletter, Volume XXVIII, No. 4, October-December 2013

In this issue:

Culture-based fisheries development in Lao PDR and Cambodia proceeding well. National aquatic animal disease surveillance programme launched in India. Report on early mortality syndrome / acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome of shrimp. International Symposium on Small-scale Freshwater Aquaculture Extension, 2-5 December, Bangkok. 'Perfect' food for 'perfect' prawns. Aquaculture without Frontiers Special Session. We asked CSIRO: Gold Coast Tiger Prawns. Understanding the sex of salmon. Overcoming smallholder challenges with biotechnology. Coordinated efforts in aquaculture needed to meet global demand. FAO e-book collection for tablets and e-readers.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, July-September 2013

In this issue:

A second trip to Hubei Province, central China. Sea cage growout of cobia Rachycentron canadum in the Gulf of Mannar. Culture of small indigenous fish species in polyculture with Indian major carps and high value crops along pond dykes. Study on sperm chilled storage of common carp Cyprinus carpio in Vietnam. Culture-based fisheries exchanges between Lao PDR and Cambodia. Culprit behind massive shrimp die-offs in Asia unmasked.

Hatchery management of tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus): A best-practice manual

This manual provides guidelines for the production of tiger grouper fingerlings. It outlines best-practice methods for broodstock maintenance, spawning, egg incubation and rearing of larvae through to 2–3 cm, fully metamorphosed juveniles. The guidelines have been developed from the outcomes of ACIAR-funded research, as well as from the experience of Indonesian, Philippine and Australian scientists and commercial hatchery operators, and published information. It provides an aid for improving the availability of grouper seed stock.

NACA Newsletter, Volume XXVIII, No. 2, April-June 2013

In this issue:

Call for applications (2nd round): FK Norway South-South Aquaculture Professional Exchange Programme. AFSPAN field surveys underway! 4th Global Symposium on Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries. An anti-viral treatment for healthier black tiger prawns. Jungle perch on the comeback trail. Nursery management of grouper: A best-practice manual (Indonesian translation). Hatchery management of tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus): A best-practice manual (Indonesian translation). Priority adaptations to climate change for Pacific fisheries and aquaculture: Reducing risks and capitalising on opportunities. Improving biosecurity through prudent and responsible use of veterinary medicines in aquatic food production.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, January-March 2013

In this issue:

Health issues are not going away. Sustainable and Ethical Aquaculture Trade project in China. Oyster aquaculture for coastal defense and food production in Bangladesh. Importance of mycotoxins in aquaculture feeds. A model modular farm for size grading and monosex culture of freshwater prawn. Angelwing clam (Pholas orientalis) future assured after Thai DOF's breeding success. Ompok bimaculatus, an emerging species for diversification of aquaculture in Tripura, North-eastern India.

NACA Newsletter, Volume XXVIII, No. 1, January-March 2013

In this issue:

11th meeting of the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health. Aquaculture community mourns Prof. M.C. Nandeesha. Got a story for Aquaculture Asia Magazine? AusAID funded project on Institutional Support for Development of Mariculture in South East Sulawesi commences. Regional training course on broodstock management in aquaculture, Vietnam 27 May - 1 June 2013. Video recordings from workshop on sustainable intensification of aquaculture released!

Proceedings of the Global Conference on Aquaculture 2010

The Global Conference on Aquaculture 2010 reviewed the present status and trends in aquaculture development, addressed emerging issues relevant to aquaculture development, assessed opportunities and challenges for future aquaculture development and built consensus on advancing aquaculture as a global, sustainable and competitive food production sector. This volume provides information on how aquaculture could be mobilized to alleviate global poverty and improve food and nutrition security in the coming decades.