Nutrition and feeding

Information relating to nutrition and feeding in aquaculture.

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In this collection

Economics of better management practices for semi-intensive shrimp farms in Honduras and shrimp cooperatives in Nicaragua

Several stakeholder groups have formulated and recommended the implementation of better management practices (BMPs)aimed at improving production efficiency and/or ameliorating impacts of shrimp farming on the environment. In this study, an economic optimisation model with an environmental component was used to evaluate the effects of five specific BMPs on the profitability, optimal selection of management strategies, and net quantities of nutrients discharged by semi-intensive shrimp farms in Honduras and small-scale operations in Honduras and Nicaragua.

A Practical Guide to Feeds and Feed Management for Cultured Grouper

Most marine fish farms in Asia still rely on what is commonly termed "trash fish". Despite it's apparent abundance and availability, there are some issues and problems related to its use in fish farming. This guide explores new and better farming practices making use of formulated feeds, as well as technical aspects of feed storage and quality control, management of feeding including weaning of groupers onto formulated feeds and economic considerations.

Thematic review of feeds and feed management practices in shrimp aquaculture

This paper reviews feeds and feed management practice in shrimp aquaculture and assesses the trends and environmental implications of feed use. Particular attention is given to the use of fish meal in shrimp diets and water pollution caused by feeds. The review identifies practices at farm, manufacturing and ecosystem levels that can reduce environmental impacts associated with the use of shrimp feeds. Trends in the use of alternative ingredients to replace fish meal are also considered.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, January-March 2005

In this issue:

Freshwater prawn culture in China and its market prospects. Demise of wastewater-fed duckweed-based aquaculture in Bangladesh. Freshwater finfish biodiversity - an Asian perspective. Her farm is destroyed, how can we help? Women oyster vendors in Eastern Thailand. Farm-level feeds and feeding practices for marine finfish. ACIAR grouper grow-out feeds and CSIRO research. Feed development and application for juvenile grouper. Grouper growout feeds. Silver pomfret culture technology.

An improved traditional shrimp culture technique for increasing pond yield

A series of research studies were conducted to refine existing traditional culture practices for the tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon. Natural food produced in a shrimp pond through fertilisation is not fully consumed in the first two months at a stocking rate of 5,000 postlarvae per hectare. Natural food produced by organic and inorganic fertilisation using the traditional practice can sustain an optimal growth of shrimp at a density of 20,000 postlarvae per hectare for a period of 60 days.

Aquaculture Development Beyond 2000: The Bangkok Declaration and Strategy

The main output of the International Conference on Aquaculture in the Third Millennium. The Declaration summarises the key impediments and opportunities in aquaculture development that are likely to arise over the next 20 years and provides strategic policy guidance for sustainable aquaculture development. The Declaration was adopted by conference participants in a plenary session.

Emerging Trends and Experiences in Asia-Pacific Aquaculture: 2003

This document provides an overview of topical issues in Asian aquaculture for 2003, including a review of its status, progress in research and development, major issues and experiences, together with suggestions on actions for addressing opportunities and constraints. The document was prepared by NACA and FAO to facilitate discussions at the 15th NACA Governing Council meeting, hosted by the Government of Sri Lanka on 21st-25th April 2004.

Mud crab aquaculture in Australia and Southeast Asia

To review mud crab aquaculture in Australia and Southeast Asia, ACIAR funded a scoping study, followed by a workshop to review the study and discuss status and problems in different regions of Australia and Southeast Asia. The primary conclusion from the scoping study, verified by workshop discussion, was that the substantial crab farming operations which exist throughout Southeast Asia are still mainly based on wild caught crablets.

Mixed shrimp farming-mangrove forestry models in the Mekong Delta: Termination report

The goal of this project was to optimise the economic yield from mixed shrimp aquaculture-mangrove forestry farming systems in Ca Mau Province, Vietnam, in a sustainable manner. Specific objectives were to investigate factors controlling the yields of shrimp and wood from shrimp farming-mangrove systems, experiment with shrimp pond and mangrove forest management to evaluate different culture options, identify improved practices and assist government to transfer the results of the project to the wider coastal farming community.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, October-December 2003

In this issue:

Freshwater prawn Macrobrachium nobilii for rural nutrition. Snapshots of a socially responsible farm in Sri Lanka. Introduction of rainbow trout in Nepal. Tilapia seed production in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Seaweed mariculture - scope and potential in India. Growth enhancement of carp and prawn through dietary suppliementation with salt. Fertilisation and water quality management in small ponds. The "Gher Revolution". Exercising responsibilities to tackle aquatic animal disease. Immunostimulants in aquaculture.