27 July 2005 | Sherif Sadek, Rafael Rafael, Mehdi Shakouri, Georges Rafomanana, Fernando Loforte Ribeiro and Jason Clay | 637 Downloads | .pdf | 428.75 KB | Better management practices, Health and Biosecurity, Livelihoods, gender and social issues, Nutrition and feeding, Shrimp, Environment and Sustainability
This case study reviews shrimp aquaculture development in East Africa and the Middle East, as well as the problems and prospects for future development. There has been increasing investment in shrimp farming in these two regions, and it is clear that further investments will occur in the future. Given that these are two of the last tropical regions of the world where shrimp aquaculture development has not occurred on any significant scale, it should be possible to learn the lessons from other parts of the world and apply them in these contexts. The countries in this report are: Egypt, Iran, Mozambique, Madagascar and some information on other countries in both regions.
Publisher: Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific
Rights: Copyright, all rights reserved.