Nutrition and feeding

Information relating to nutrition and feeding in aquaculture.

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In this collection

Role of fish and fisheries in national nutrition of Pakistan

The fisheries sector of Pakistan comprises over 290,000 square kilometres of marine waters and 8.6 million hectares of inland water resources including the world’s largest irrigation system and favourable climatic conditions for aquaculture development. Despite these promising circumstances Pakistan stands thirty-third in world fisheries production. This article considers the true fish production potential of Pakistan and makes a comparison with other regional countries that produce more despite having less water resources, e.g. Bangladesh. Considering the ground reality and gaps in fisheries statistics collection, assessment and reporting, the possibility that fish production and consumption are under reported is explored.

The cryptic domain of gut microbiota in composite culture of Indian major carps

The digestive tract of all vertebrates including fish is known to harbour a complex microbial ecosystem with a large, diverse and dynamic collection of microorganisms. These microbes become an integral component of the host animal with intimate host-microbe associations. In the following study, we employed both bacterial enumeration and culture independent DNA fingerprinting approach to examine the presence of host-specific gut microbiota in Indian major carps related to their occupancy of distinct ecological niches.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, October-December 2018

In this issue:

Concept of seed production of Heteropneustes fossilis in farmers' fields in West Bengal, India; Fishing gear and practices in flood waters of Assam; Fisherwomen empowerment: Shedding light on the invisible gender; Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture systems: A solution of sustainability.

Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture systems: a solution for sustainability

Marine aquaculture of high value species such as fish is generally reliant on external food supplies and has a negative impact on water quality, generating high organic and nutrient loadings. Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture offers a solution to reduce environmental impact of farming systems, culturing complimentary species that can recycle nutrients and reduce nutrient pollution while generating additional products for sale. This article looks at species selection and integration of trophic levels in system design.

Production of tubifex - a new dimension of aquaculture in feeding juvenile fish

The use of sludge or ‘tubifex’ worm, Tubifex tubifex, as a live food for juvenile fish has been long practiced in farmers’ fields and it is an important fish food for spawn rearing. The cost of tubifex worm becomes prohibitive in the dry season, when supplies are limited. We conducted trials to test the feasibility of culturing tubifex using a selection of agro-industrial wastes. Net biomass production was highest using rice mill sludge as a food source, over a culture period of 20 days.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, July-September 2018

In this issue:

Rearing of spotted scat and pearlspot in coastal West Bengal, India; harvesting Eurayle ferox (makhana) from wetland fisheries of Assam; prospects of ornamental fish culture in seasonal water bodies in Assam; production of tubifex, a new dimention in aquaculture in feeding juvenile fish; invasive apple snails in Brunei Darussalam; aquaculture trends and opportunities in Sindh, Pakistan; NACA Newsletter.

World Brackishwater Aquaculture Conference, 23-25 January 2019, Chennai, India

BRAQCON 2019 wil cover latest research and development in the broader themes of the conference in the form of special sessions, contributed papers, expert group discussions and brainstorming on issues facing aquaculturists and ecosystem managers in India and around the world. The conference themes include: Brackishwater ecosystems, estuarine biodiversity and conservation; aquaculture production systems; larviculture; fish and shellfish nutrition; environment and climate change; aquatic animal health; socio-economic and livelihood issues; and aquaculture genetics and biotechnology.

Pre-pupae (larvae) of black soldier fly - a potential alternative protein source for aquaculture feeds

Insects form a natural food source for many aquatic animals. This and the presence of chitinase makes insect meals a logical alternative to fish meal in the formulation of aquaculture diets. Insect meals have also been shown to allow for enriching through dietary intake. Of particular interest has been the use of black soldier fly larvae. This article reviews the life history and potential of black soldier fly larval meal to replace fishmeal used in fish diets.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, January-March 2018

In this issue:

Invasive apple snails (Pomacea spp.) in Vietnam: Short review; A review of fresh water integrated multi-trophic aquaculture: Catching up on the dream of a blue revolution in India; Pre-pupae (larvae) of black soldier fly - a potential alternate protein source for aquaculture feeds; Penaeid shrimp and giant prawn seed collection from Rupnarayan River in Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India; NACA Newsletter; First training course on culture-based fisheries held in Nha Trang, Vietnam.

Culture-based fisheries: What, why, where and how?

A briefing on the context and relevance of culture-based fisheries in rural development.