Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific

Molluscs (shellfish and other)

Issues relating to aquaculture of shellfish, cephalopods and other molluscs.

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Species / commodity tags

Major farmed commodity or species groups.

In this collection

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, January-March 2025

In this issue:

  • Promoting farmed shrimp consumption in India’s domestic market: A step towards sustainability
  • Leveraging indigenous minor carp for sustainable aquaculture in Northeast India
  • Shaping the future of Indian aquaculture: A path to captive catfish seed success
  • Sustainable freshwater snail farming: Advancing nutrition security and rural livelihoods in Northeast India
  • Promotion and protection of small fish species through farming: An initiative in Tripura
  • NACA Newsletter

Sustainable freshwater snail farming: advancing nutrition security and rural livelihoods in Northeast India

Northeast India faces significant nutrition security challenges, particularly in rural and tribal areas, where high stunting and anemia rates persist despite high per capita caloric intake. This article explores sustainable freshwater snail farming as a viable solution to address these nutritional deficiencies while enhancing rural livelihoods.

Freshwater snails, such as Pila globosa, Bellamya bengalensis, and Brotia costula, offer high protein content and essential minerals, particularly calcium and iron. Their nutritional value surpasses many plant-based protein sources and compares well with traditional livestock products. The study outlines three practical snail farming systems suited to different farming conditions. Economic analysis reveals that a small-scale backyard system can generate up to 1,800 kg of snails annually, yielding a 272% return on investment within five months. With proper training, infrastructure, and market linkages, freshwater snail farming can play a useful role in improving food security, economic resilience, and rural development in Northeast India.

Reported Aquatic Animal Diseases in the Asia-Pacific Region during the Third Quarter of 2024

With the implementation of the new aquatic animal disease reporting in the Asia Pacific region from January 2021 NACA is publishing reported aquatic animal diseases submitted by countries in the Asia-Pacific region. This report covers the third quarter of 2024 and the original and updated reports can be accessed from the QAAD page.

Reported Aquatic Animal Diseases in the Asia-Pacific Region during the Second Quarter of 2024

With the implementation of the new aquatic animal disease reporting in the Asia Pacific region from January 2021 NACA is publishing reported aquatic animal diseases submitted by countries in the Asia-Pacific region. This report covers the second quarter of 2024 and the original and updated reports can be accessed from the QAAD page.

14th Asian fisheries and Aquaculture Forum: Early bird closes 10 November

The 14th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum (14AFAF) will be held from 12-15 February 2025 in New Delhi, India. Submission of abstracts has been extended until 5 November, and early bird registration closes on 10 November, so get in quick!

The forum is a scientific meeting organised by the Asian Fisheries Society (AFS) once every three years to understand the global trends and address issues and challenges faced by the fisheries and aquaculture sector. The main purpose of this Forum is to provide an international platform for eminent scientists, young researchers, and other stakeholders across the globe to share their research experiences and innovative ideas. By facilitating the exchange of diverse range of knowledge and expertise, the Forum with the Theme ‘Greening the Blue Growth in Asia-Pacific’ aims to address key issues towards developing sustainable fisheries and aquaculture.