22 October 2007 | Antoine Teitelbaum | 2150 Downloads | .pdf | 914.46 KB | Hatchery and nursery, Marine finfish, Education and Training, Thailand
The Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific agreed to organise a marine finfish hatchery training course. The training was based on the regular three-week NACA Grouper Hatchery Production training course but wsa specifically designed for a smaller group of Pacific Island aquaculturists with various professional backgrounds, from either private sector or government.
The Krabi Coastal Fisheries Research and Development Center (KCFRDC) in Thailand was identified as a suitable facility for the training because of its ability to mass produce tropical species in hatchery (mostly grouper, seabass and cobia).
The overall design of the training followed a balance of practical work, theoretical work and field trips. Most of the theoretical work was dispensed using PowerPoint presentations on relevant fish farming/hatchery topics. Lecturers from KCFRDC and other research centres were involved in this part of the training. Fifteen presentations were given.
The main goal of the training was to carry out hands-on practical work in finfish hatchery techniques, with an emphasis on grouper. This work involved spawning induction, incubation and larval rearing until day 12 and through the critical stages at days 4, 5 and 6 and after the dorsal spine development of the larvae, when each trainee was assigned to a larval rearing tank. Simultaneously, the group was trained in mass production of live prey and live algae. Many other practical topics were discussed and demonstrated during the training.
Publisher: Secretariat of the Pacific Community
Rights: Copyright, all rights reserved.