24 May 2004 | M.G. Bondad-Reantaso, J. Humphrey, S. Kanchanakhan and S. Chinabut | 2616 Downloads | .pdf | 2.2 MB | Health and Biosecurity, Marine finfish, Australia, China, Hong Kong SAR China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam
A workshop on APEC FWG 02/2000 “Development of a Regional Research Programme on Grouper Virus Transmission and Vaccine Development”, was convened at the NACA Headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand on 18th-20th October 2000.
This project was implemented by the Fish Health Section of the Asian Fisheries Society (FHS/AFS) in close cooperation with the Aquatic Animal Health Research Institute (AAHRI) of the Department of Fisheries of Thailand as Project Overseer and with the Network of Aquaculture Centres in the Asia-Pacific (NACA) who is cooperating in the coordination of the Asia-Pacific Grouper Aquaculture Network.
The two workshops (Grouper Health Impact Survey Workshop on 27-29 May 2000 and the Workshop Proper on 18-20 October 2000) successfully fulfilled the objectives of APEC FWG 02/2000 to determine the impact of grouper diseases, update current knowledge on grouper diseases and techniques for disease diagnosis and to develop a regional research framework which addresses research needs on grouper health and strategies which minimise the risks of disease spread through responsible movement of groupers within the region.
The workshop brought together representatives from twelve economies of APEC and member governments of NACA (Australia, Brunei Darussalam, China, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong China, Indonesia, Korea RO, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam); technical experts/specialists on grouper diseases, import risk analysis and aquatic animal vaccines from national governments, research institutes and universities and the private sector. A Framework of a Regional Research Programme on Grouper Health and Production was drafted. The framework contains nine major components. It includes sub-projects and specific recommendations on the following major components:
Publisher: APEC Secretariat
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