
India's involvement in NACA.

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NACA member governments

NACA member governments are: Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, I.R. Iran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Korea (DPR), Lao PDR, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.

In this collection

Status of aquaculture feed and feed ingredient production and utilisation in India

About 0.75 million tonnes of shrimp feed was produced during 2016, with roughly equal quantities of freshwater fish feed produced. Although shrimp farming is fully dependent on formulated feeds, freshwater finfish farming is still transitioning to use of pelleted feeds. High value coastal carnivorous fin fish continues to be produced via a combination of trash fish and formulated feeds. Fishmeal inclusion in shrimp feed formulations has fallen substantially. The availability of feed ingredients in India is discussed.

Report of the fifteenth meeting of the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health, 21-23 November 2016

The Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health meets annually to discuss regional health issues including emerging disease threats. This report includes a review of regional disease status circa 2016, global and regional disease reporting arrangements, global issues and standards, progress in implementation of the the Regional Technical Guidelines on Health management for the Responsible Movement of Live Aquatic Animals, identification and designation of regional aquatic animal health resources and regional and international cooperation.

15th meeting of the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health

The 15th meeting was held from 21-23 November 2016, in Bangkok, Thailand. A special session was held on addressing the use of anti-microbial substances in aquaculture and the development of anti-microbial resistance. This is an issue of global concern for both human and animal health, and it had been addressed by a resolution at FAO’s Thirty-ninth Conference in June 2015. The meeting reviewed in detail the status of aquatic animal disease in the region.

Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report, July-September 2016

The 72nd edition of the Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report contains information from 12 governments. The foreword provides information about the 15th Meeting of the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health.

Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report, April-June 2016

The 71st edition of the Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report contains information from 15 governments. The foreword provides information about the 10th Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture.

Report of the fourteenth meeting of the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health, 23-25 November 2015

The Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health meets annually to discuss regional health issues including emerging disease threats. This report includes a review of regional disease status circa 2015, global and regional disease reporting arrangements, global issues and standards, progress in implementation of the the Regional Technical Guidelines on Health management for the Responsible Movement of Live Aquatic Animals, identification and designation of regional aquatic animal health resources and regional and international cooperation.

Sustainable intensification of aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region: Documentation of successful practices

This publication is the major output of a regional programme jointly implemented by FAO and NACA in 2015 to document and disseminate successful practices that contribute to the sustainable intensification of aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region. Twelve practices are described that contribute to at least one of the following: Improved production and resource use efficiency (land, water, feed, energy); improved environmental benefits; strengthened economic viability and farmers' resilience; and improved social acceptance and equity.

Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report, January-March 2016

This report, the 71st in the series, contains information about the aquatic animal health status of sixteen states in the Asia-Pacific region. The foreword discusses changes to the Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report, including a move to electronic-only distribution.

NACA Newsletter, Volume XXXI, No. 1-2, January-June 2016

In this issue:

NACA conducts workshops on white spot disease and shrimp health management in I.R. Iran. Don’t forget to register for the 11th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum! NACA pays tribute to Professor H.P.C. Shetty – Patron of the Pillay Aquaculture Foundation. EHP: Shrimp industry survey. 3rd International Conference on Fisheries and Aquaculture, 24-25 August, Negombo, Sri Lanka. Special Session on the Status of Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Second International Technical Workshop on Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease (AHPND). Guidebook on Farmer-to-Farmer Extension Approach for Small-Scale Freshwater Aquaculture. Sustainable intensification of aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region.

NACA pays tribute to Professor H.P.C. Shetty – Patron of the Pillay Aquaculture Foundation

Professor H. P. C. Shetty (17 May 1930 - 11 November 2015) was the first Director of Instruction of the College of Fisheries Mangalore, established in 1969, the first such College in India, thereby laying the foundation for fisheries education. He was responsible for setting the syllabus and developing the campus of the College in Mangalore. He was involved in replicating the Mangalore Fisheries College model elsewhere in India and even abroad.