
India's involvement in NACA.

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NACA member governments

NACA member governments are: Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, I.R. Iran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Korea (DPR), Lao PDR, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.

In this collection

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, January-March 2011

In this issue:

Recent developments and future prospects of inland aquaculture in Asia. Factors influencing success of Penaeus vannamei culture. Freshwater prawn farming in a carbon-nitrogen controlled periphyton-based system: A sustainable approach to increase stagnant pond productivity. Constraints to fish production in community ponds in Orissa, India. Continued confidence in inland fisheries developmentg of a Sri Lankan youth begins to pay off. The Asia-Pacific Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report: 12 years and beyond.

Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report, October-December 2010

This report, the 50th in the series, contains information about the aquatic animal health status of thirteen states in the Asia-Pacific region. The foreword discusses food safety and biosecurity.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, October-December 2010

In this issue:

Rapidly changing aquaculture scene in the Red River Delta, Vietnam. Current situation and challenges for the farming of snakeheads in the Mekong Delta. Is there a business case for small-holders in Vietnamese pangasius? Small scale prawn culture practices towards sustainable development in Chittagong region, Bangladesh. Gloating hapa technology for the mass production of tilapia Oreochromis niloticus in Bangladesh. Management in seed production of golden mahseer Tor putitora in hatchery condictions.

Inland Fisheries Resource Enhancement and Conservation in India

India produces 4.6 million tonnes of fish annually from its inland water bodies, of which 1 million tonnes originates from enhancement and capture fisheries of open waters. Reservoirs of all categories together produce 94,000 tonnes of fish against a potential of nearly 1 million tonnes. Ownership of inland water bodies vests with the government and the fishing rights of reservoirs and beels are given to individuals, groups and communities according to norms that vary across the states.

Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report, July-September 2010

This report, the 49th in the series, contains information about the aquatic animal health status of fifteen states in the Asia-Pacific region. The foreword discusses the outcomes of the ninth meeting of the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, July-September 2010

In this issue:

Relative efficacies of lobsters Panulirus ornatus and P. homarus cultured using pellet feeds and trash fish, Vietnam. Tilapia in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Marketing low-value cultured fish in Bangladesh: An evaluation of value chain. Current practices of rice field eel Monopterus albus culture in Vietnam. Self-help group makes fisherwomen self-relian: A story of success. Small indigenous freshwater fish species of India: Significance, conservation and utilisation. 

Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report, April-June 2010

This report, the 48th in the series, contains information about the aquatic animal health status of fifteen states in the Asia-Pacific region. The foreword discusses current fish health concerns.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, April-June 2010

In this issue:

The Dedanaw Project, Myanmar. The changing face of women for small-scale aquaculture in Bangladesh. Strengthening capacity of small holders in ASEAN. Carp seed production in Orissa, India. Sustainable mountain paddy-fish farming of the Apatani tribes. The economic impacts of whitespot virus on shrimp production in Iran. Current practices of marine finfish cage culture in China, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam. Effects of trash fish on growth and body composition of cobia.

NACA Newsletter, Volume XXV, No. 2, April-June 2010

In this issue:

Expert Workshop on Inland Fisheries Resource Enhancement and Conservation in Asia. Reviews in Aquaculture: Special issue on the Use and Exchange of Aquatic Genetic Resources. Dr Ayyappan becomes the Director General of ICAR. CIBA training course - capacity building on entrepreneurship development in coastal aquaculture. Success Stories in Asian Aquaculture - now available for free download! Giant Prawn 2011. Peer reviewed publications. Meetings address climate change impacts on small scale milkfish farmers in the Philippines.

Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report, January-March 2010

This report, the 47th in the series, contains information about the aquatic animal health status of fifteen states in the Asia-Pacific region. The foreword discusses Asia-Pacific aquatic animal disease surveillance.