
Philippines involvement in NACA.

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NACA member governments

NACA member governments are: Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, I.R. Iran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Korea (DPR), Lao PDR, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.

In this collection

Mud crab aquaculture in Australia and Southeast Asia

To review mud crab aquaculture in Australia and Southeast Asia, ACIAR funded a scoping study, followed by a workshop to review the study and discuss status and problems in different regions of Australia and Southeast Asia. The primary conclusion from the scoping study, verified by workshop discussion, was that the substantial crab farming operations which exist throughout Southeast Asia are still mainly based on wild caught crablets.

NACA Newsletter Volume XIX, No. 1-2, January-June 2004

In this issue:

Outcomes of the 15th Governing Council. Aquaculture seminar. Council Chair for 2004-2005. Shrimp disease and coastal management - four years. New Import Risk Analysis publications. Reducing the risk of shrimp disease outbreaks in Vietnam. Network of Aquaculture Centres in Central and Eastern Europe. OASIS: The One Stop Aqua Shop Information Service. Other recent STREAM activities. New faces at NACA.

Report of the Expert Consultation on Aquaculture Education in the Asia-Pacific, Hanoi, Vietnam, 11-15 May 2000

The Expert Consultation on Aquaculture Education in the Asia-Pacific was held in, Vietnam, 2000. The consultation was the final activity of APEC project FWG/02/99 “Collaborative Aquaculture Education Program”. This report gives the findings and papers presented to the Expert Consultation, including the follow-up recommendations for establishing an Aquaculture Educational Consortium, in the form of a network, comprising academic and training institutions in the Asia and Oceania regions.

Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report, October-December 2003

This report, the 22nd in the series, contains information about the aquatic animal health status of seventeen states in the Asia-Pacific region. The foreword discusses the role of disease surveillance programmes and issues realted to the OIE Aquatic Animal Health Standards Commission.

STREAM Journal Volume 2, No. 3, July-September 2003

In this issue: Livelihood improvements through fisheries in the Pode community in Pokhara, Nepal. Women's participation in coastal resources management and livelihoods in Khanh Hoa Province, Vietnam. Supporting people's efforts and interactions in coastal resources management in Indonesia. Planning for a community fisheries M&E system. Identifying needs and recommendations for efficient stakeholder communications through an information access survey. IEC Seminar-Workshop in Support of Fisheries Ordinance Implementation in Roxas City, Philippines. About the STREAM Journal. About STREAM.

Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report, July-September 2003

This report, the 21st in the series, contains information about the aquatic animal health status of sixteen states in the Asia-Pacific region. The foreword discusses the outcomes of the second meeting of the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health.

NACA Newsletter Volume XVIII, No. 3-4, July-December 2003

In this issue:

Health Advisory Group urges vigilance and preparedness against emerging disease. New Zealand farmer helps train Asian aquaculturists. Mr Junaidi Che Ayub. Global Aquaculture Discussion Forum, Dhaka, Bangladesh. STREAM Conducts Livelihood Capacity-building in the Philippines, India. MPEDA/NACA shrimp farmer workshop held in Andhra Pradesh, India. Learning by Doing - Fisheries and Adaptive Learning. NACA cooperation expanded to shrimp health management in Vietnam. 150 people trained in Q3-Q4, 2003. International Symposium on Freshwater Prawns Held at Kochi, India. Developing an online aquaculture community for NACA.

Report of the Second STREAM Regional Conference, Tagaytay City, the Philippines, 8-10 June 2003

The Second STREAM Regional Conference was held in Tagaytay City, Philippines, from 8-10 June 2003 with the participation of 23 people from Australia, Cambodia, India, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Yunnan Province of China. Following a regional overview of STREAM’s themes, country partners, donors and funding, and activities, participants visited four “stations” on the themes of livelihoods, institutions, policy development, and communications, working in groups representing National Coordinators, Communications Hub Managers, and Partners. STREAM operations were discussed.

STREAM Journal Volume 2, No. 2, April-June 2003

In this issue: Livelihoods and languages - a SPARK-STREAM learning and communications process. Towards broader contextual understandings of livelihoods. Using tools to build shared understandings, using a sustainable livelihoods framework to learn. Learning about rattan as a livelihood. Meanings of "community-managed area". Lessons learnt about processes for learning and communicating. About the STREAM Journal. About STREAM. This edition is also available in Bahasa (Indonesia), Ilonggo, Vietnamese, Bengali and Oriya.

Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report, April-June 2003

This report, the twentieth in the series, contains information about the aquatic animal health status of nineteen states in the Asia-Pacific region. The editorial discusses health risks associated with trans-boundary movement of live aquatic animals and the role of risk analyses.