1 May 2003 | 562 Downloads | .pdf | 91.21 KB | Livelihoods, gender and social issues, Australia
The NACA STREAM Initiative has been working with issues relating to livelihoods, policy and institutional development and communications throughout Asia-Pacific. Recently this has included work in India with indigenous communities supporting people to have a voice in policy making processes. There appear to be some parallels between this work and the objectives of Kimberley Aquaculture Aboriginal Corporation (KAAC) and also the Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry Australia (AFFA) Indigenous Aquaculture Unit (IAU), National Aquaculture Development Strategy for Indigenous Communities in Australia.
Following discussions in Bangkok with Jacynta Fong, Charla Clements and Neville Poelina of KAAC, Chan Lee formerly with Department of Fisheries Government of Western Australia and Richard Mason of AFFA, Graham Haylor of the STREAM Initiative visited Kimberley from 26-30 May 2003. The objective was to meet with community members around Kimberley, visit the KAAC Multi-species hatchery in Broome and some examples of on-going aquaculture activities within communities. Richard Mason and Dennis Ahkee planned a visit to coincide with the STREAM visit in order to consider co-ordinated and possibly joint actions relating to indigenous aquaculture support in the Kimberley and elsewhere.
Publisher: Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific
Rights: Creative Commons Attribution.