Experts: L

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3 result(s):

Mr Stanley Ping Chuen Law

My research interests include the identification and culturing of phytoplankton species. I have more than thirty years’ research experience in management and operation of PTA bioassay tests including mouse and fish toxicity testing, operations involving investigation of fish kills, red tides and problems encountered by the mariculture industry in Hong Kong SAR. I am an author and editor for the booklets of “Harmful Marine Microalgae in Hong Kong” and “Red Tide Species in Hong Kong”.

Dr Joanne Lee

I work on water quality, red tide monitoring and site selection for marine fish culture. My recent focus is on 1) applying hydraulic modelling for determining the carrying capacity of a fish farming site to achieve sustainable mariculture, and 2) developing and applying advanced imaging and hydraulic modelling technology for red tide forecast and management.

Dr Teo Chee Loong

My research interests include microalgae cultivation and processing, biodiesel production, astaxanthin production, fermentation, membrane fabrication, photobioreactor, environmental science (ocean acidification), bioactive peptides, pyroligneous acid liquids, pineapple bromelain and management. I hold a PhD in bioprocess engineering holder and am study a further PhD in business administration. I am a reviewer for several journals and R&D director for several companies.