Dr Gavin Partridge, Principal Research Scientist

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

Email: [email protected]


My research focuses on all aspects of marine fish aquaculture including hatchery production, health and nutrition.


I am the Principal Research Scientist at the Australian Centre for Applied Aquaculture Research and an Adjunct Associate Professor at the School of Veterinary and Life Sciences at Murdoch University. I have worked in the field of marine fish aquaculture for 20 years, during which time I have worked on all aspects of production science including hatchery production and growout in both land-based recirculating systems and seacages. My research has an applied focus and I work closely with industry to overcome production challenges and bottlenecks.


Partridge, Ginbey, Woolley, Fairclough, Crisafulli, Chaplin, Prokop, Dias, Bertram, Jenkins (2017) Development of techniques for the collection and culture of wild-caught fertilised snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) eggs for stock enhancement purposes. Fisheries Research, 186(2), 524-530,

Crisp, J. A., F. M. L. D’Souza, J. R. Tweedley, G. J. Partridge, and N. R. Moheimani (2017). Quantitative determination of ovarian development in penaeid prawns (Decapoda: Penaeidae). Journal of Crustacean Biology 37:81-89.

Partridge, G. J., Burge, T. and Lymbery, A. J. (2016). A comparison of the palatability of racemic praziquantel and its two enantioseparated isomers in yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi (Valenciennes, 1833). Aquaculture Research.

Partridge, G. J. and Woolley, L. D. (2016). The performance of larval Seriola lalandi (Valenciennes, 1833) is affected by the taurine content of the Artemia on which they are fed. Aquaculture Research.

Woolley, L. D. and Partridge, G. J. (2015). The effect of different rotifer feeding regimes on the growth and survival of yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi (Valenciennes, 1833) larvae. Aquaculture Research.

Blanco Garcia, A., Partridge, G. J., Flik, G., Roques, J. A. C. and Abbink, W. (2015). Ambient salinity and osmoregulation, energy metabolism and growth in juvenile yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi Valenciennes 1833) in a recirculating aquaculture system. Aquaculture Research, 46: 2789–2797.

Le, K.T., Fotedar, R., Partridge, G.J. (2014). Selenium and vitamin E interaction in the nutrition of yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi): physiological and immune responses. Aquaculture Nutrition, 1-12.

Partridge, G.J., Michael, R., Thuillier, L. (2013). Praziquantel form, dietary application method and dietary inclusion level effect palatability and efficacy against monogenean parasites in yellowtail kingfish. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 109, 155-163.

Le, K.T., Dao, T.T.T., Fotedar, R., Partridge, G.J. (2013). Effects of variation in dietary contents of selenium and vitamin E on growth and physiological and haematological responses of yellowtail kingfish, Seriola lalandi. Aquac. Int., 1-12.

Woolley, L. D., Partridge, G.J., Qin, J. G. (2012). Mortality reduction in yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) larval rearing by optimising Artemia feeding regimes. Aquaculture, 344-349, 161-167.

Partridge, G.J., Benetti, D. D., Stieglitz, J. D., Hutapea, J., McIntyre, A., Chen, B. Hutchinson, W. Scholey, V. P. (2011). The effect of a 24-hour photoperiod on the survival, growth and swim bladder inflation of pre-flexion yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) larvae. Aquaculture 318, 471-474.

Partridge, G.J., Michael, R.J. (2010). Direct and indirect effects of simulated calcareous dredge material on eggs and larvae of pink snapper Pagrus auratus (Bloch and Schneider). Journal of Fish Biology.

Michael, R.J., Partridge, G.J., Hofmann, T., Caro, E.D. (2010). Evaluation of mosquito fish Gambusia holbrooki (Girard) as a partial and complete pellet replacement for juvenile barramundi Lates calcarifer (Bloch). Aquac. Res. 41, e788-e794.

Partridge, G.J., Jenkins, G.I., Doupe, R.G., French, D.J.W., Ginbey, B.M. and de Lestang, S. (2009). Factors affecting mark quality of alizarin complexone-stained otoliths in juvenile black bream Acanthopagrus butcheri (Munro). Journal of Fish Biology 75, 1518-1523.

Partridge, G. J., Lymbery, A. J. and George, R. J. (2008). Finfish mariculture in inland Australia: A review of potential water sources, species and production systems. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 39(3): 291-310.

Contact details

1 Fleet St
Fremantle W.A. 6160
Mobile: +61 (8) 93634082
Email: [email protected]