Dr M. Muralidhar, Principal Scientist

Dr M. Muralidhar, Principal Scientist

ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture

Email: [email protected]


My research interests include the environmental sustainability of brackishwater aquaculture, soil and water quality management, and the impact of climate change on aquaculture and its contribution to global warming potential. I have twenty five years’ of research experience in environmental impact assessment and monitoring of shrimp aquaculture, carrying capacity assessment of water bodies, soil and water quality management issues, greenhouse gas estimation from aquaculture ponds, life cycle analysis of aquaculture systems, adaptations and mitigations for climate resilient aquaculture. I am recipient of International Norman Borlaug and NAIP fellowship and a reviewer of research papers in international journals.


As Principal Investigator:

  • National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture - Development of adaptation strategies and mitigation options for climate resilient and carbon neutral aquaculture.
  • Environmental impact assessment of mangrove crab (Scylla serrata) farming in the coastal villages of Sindhudurg District, Maharastra and carrying capacity assessment of creeks for crab farming.
  • Abiotic stress management for enhanced productivity and environmentally sustainable shrimp farming.
  • Develop environmental parameters monitoring tools and pond treatment technologies for brackishwater aquaculture.
  • Development of water and soil health card for environmental management of brackishwater aquaculture systems.

As Co-Principal Investigator

  • Mapping of coastal resources and identifying suitable areas for expanding integrated multi tropic aquaculture (IMTA) in Maharashtra.
  • Technology upgradation and refinement for sustainable development of diversified systems and species of penaeid shrimp.
  • Demonstration of improved culture technologies in shellfish and finfish aquaculture in Gujarat.
  • Optimisation of aerators use to reduce production cost of shrimp under different brackishwater farming conditions.


Journal articles / periodicals

Books and monographs

  • Pathak, H., Upadhyay, R.C., Muralidhar, M., Bhattacharyya, P. and Venkateswarlu, B., (eds). (2013). Measurement of Greenhouse gas Emission from Crop, Livestock and Aquaculture. Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. 101 p.
  • Kar, G., Rao, K.V., Upadhyay, R.C., Muralidhar, M., Islam Adlul., Ambast, S.K., Sikha, A.K. and Kumar Ashwani. (2016). Manual on water footprint calculation in Agriculture (Crop, Livestock and Fisheries). Publication No.76, ICAR-Indian Institute of Water Management, Bhubaneswar, India, 91 p.
  • Muralidhar, M., Kumararaja, P., Jayanthi, M., Balasubramaniam, C.P., Nagavel, A. and Vijayan, K.K. (2017). Environmental impact assessment of (EIA) of mangrove crab (Scylla serrata) farming in the coastal villages of Sindhudurg District, Maharastra and carrying capacity assessment of creeks for crab farming. ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, Chennai, 84 p.

Book chapters and articles within proceedings

  • Muralidhar, M., Vasanth, M., Chitra, V., Thulasi, D., Kathyayani, S. and Jannathulla, R. (2017). Greenhouse Gases Emission and Mitigation from Brackish Water Aquaculture Systems. In Belavadi, V.V., NatarajaKaraba, N., and Gangadharappa, N.R., (eds). Agriculture under Climate Change. Threats, Strategies and Policies. Allied publishers. pp. 268-272.
  • Muralidhar, M., and Vijayan, K.K. (2016). Risks associated with extreme weather in aquaculture and their management. In Bapuji Rao, B. and Rao, V.U.M. (eds). Agrometeorological techniques for risk assessment and management of extreme events. ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, India. pp 60-67.
  • Muralidhar, M., Saraswathy, R., Syama Dayal J. and Vass, K.K. (2017). Nitrogen Assessment and Management in Brackish-Water Aquaculture of India. In Abrol Y.P., Adhya,T.K., Aneja, V.P., Raghuram, N., Pathak, H., Kulshrestha, U., Sharma, C. and Singh, B. The Indian Nitrogen Assessment, Sources of Reactive Nitrogen, Environmental and Climate Effects and Management options, and Policies. Elsevier Publication. pp 287-304.
  • Muralidhar, M., Das, P.C., Kumaran, M., Jayanthi, M., Saraswathy, R., Ashok Kumar, J., Syama Dayal, J. and Panigrahi, A. (2013). Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Aquaculture Sector - A Life Cycle Assessment. In: Measurement of Greenhouse gas Emission from Crop, Livestock and Aquaculture. NICRA Manual series 2/2013, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. pp 64-78.
  • Ponniah, A.G., Ravichandran, P., Muralidhar, M., Alavandi, S.V. and Ravisankar, T. (2012). Status of adoption of aquaculture planning and management tools for sustainability in India. In proceedings of Regional study/workshop on adoption of Aquaculture Assessment Tools (AAT) for Sustainability in Asia-Pacific 2012, Rayong, Thailand. 3-5 July 2012, FAORAP, NACA and APFIC.

NACA publications

Contact details

ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture
75 Santhome High Road
M.R.C Nagar, Chennai – 600 0028
Tamil Nadu
Mobile: +91 (44) 24616948
Fax: +91 (44) 24610311
Email: [email protected]