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13 result(s):

Dr M. Kailasam

My research interests include the development of hatchery technology for induced breeding and seed production of brackishwater finfish species such as seabass, milkfish, pearlspot, brey mullet, cobia and ornamentals such as spotted scat and silver moony. Live feed production and its application for fish larviculture is also my interest. I have 25 years of experience in fish breeding, seed production, nursery rearing and grow out culture. Presently, I am working to popularise farming technologies for seabass, milkfish and pearlspot in brackishwater ponds and cages. I am keen to establish satellite fish seed rearing centres in different states to supply the seed locally with the participation of farmers and state government officials. I provide hands on training programmes in brackishwater fish seed production and culture.

Dr Krishna Sukumaran

My research interests include the captive breeding and larval rearing of brackishwater finfish species. I have ten years’ research experience in brackishwater finfish broodstock management, captive maturation, reproduction and larval rearing. I have been associated with captive seed production and aquaculture projects of our institute relating to economically important brackishwater finfish species such as pearlspot, grey mullet, Asian seabass and milkfish.

Dr Prem Kumar

My research interests include the reproductive biology, endocrinology and captive breeding of brackishwater fish. I have nine years research experience in brackishwater breeding of brackishwater fishes in captivity and their farming in different costal states of India, with hands-on experience in fish hatchery design and operation. I have demonstrated the hatchery operation and farming of different brackishwater fishes such as Asian seabass, milkfish, pearl spot and brackishwater catfish to small and marginal farmers. I am experienced in the establishment and operation of recirculating aquaculture systems for broodstock development and farming of fish and shrimp. I also have experience in the farming of crab and shrimp in box and pond systems, respectively.