Workshop and conference proceedings

NACA frequently organises technical workshops and consultations on aspects of aquaculture. The proceedings of such meetings are made available for free download. Audio and video recordings of technical presentations are also available for some meetings (please see the podcast section).

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NACA publishes a wide range of aquaculture publications including technical manuals, workshop proceedings, better practice guidelines and several serials including Aquaculture Asia Magazine, the NACA Newsletter and the Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report. To keep up to date with developments you could consider subscribing to our RSS feed

In this collection

Cold water fisheries in the trans-Himalayan countries

This volume is the proceedings of the Symposium on Cold Water Fishes of the Trans-Himalayan Region, held in July 2001 in Kathmandu, Nepal. In 32 presentations it reviewed information, experiences, ideas and findings related to fish and fisheries in the region, including fish species distribution, fishing intensity, socio-economic conditions and livelihoods of fisher communities, as well as to the impact of environment degradation, conservation measures and aquaculture technologies for indigenous and exotic cold water fish.

Trans-boundary aquatic animal pathogen transfer and the development of harmonized standards on aquaculture health management (FWG/03/2000)

This document provides the report of a joint APEC/FAO/NACA/SEMARNAP expert workshop held in Mexico, July 2000. The workshop aimed to review existing knowledge on the impacts of trans-boundary aquatic animal pathogen movement, review management strategies to control impacts, to identify potential future managemment interventions at national and international levels, to review existing knowlege on standardisation or diagnostic techniques and to develop a follow up programme for standardisation of aquaculture health management measures.

Proceedings of the Conference on Aquaculture in the Third Millennium

This volume, the third major publication arising from the Conference on Aquaculture in the Third Millennium, contains the information essential to conduct well-informed discussion of sustainable aquaculture development - both at the Conference, as well as after. The information provide basic reference points on the progress, direction and magnitude of aquaculture changes, and the factors associated with these changes, within global, regional, sectoral, thematic and technical perspectives.