21 January 2019 | Americo Alves Brito, Ravindra C. Joshi and Soetikno S. Sastroutomo | 1145 Downloads | .pdf | 2.09 MB | Genetics and Biodiversity, Molluscs (shellfish and other)
Anecdotal evidence suggests that apple snails were first introduced into Timor-Leste as food by migrants, although there is no exact information on when this occurred. The first reported damages to rice crops from the snails was around 1985 in the south and west. There is an urgent need for systematic surveys on the areas invaded and the rice crop losses. Synthetic molluscicide formulations are used to control snail populations, along with a variety of non-chemical management interventions.
Publisher: Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific
Rights: Creative Commons Attribution.