Simple means of water aeration adopted by progressive fish breeders in West Bengal, India

In India, West Bengal is the leading state in hatchery-based seed production (spawn, fry, advanced fry) of major carps and other economically important freshwater fishes. Dissolved oxygen is the most critical parameter of water quality and basic necessity in fish hatcheries, nursery and grow-out ponds. Hatchery fish seed production can be limited by the dissolved oxygen content of circulating water.

Progressive fish breeders in villages of West Bengal have overcome and eliminated this problem by designing simple but effective means of water aeration to improve dissolved oxygen in hatchery water supplies, maximising survival of fertilised eggs, hatchlings and spawn. This article describes some of the techniques that have been adopted using low-cost and recycled materials.


Publisher: Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific

Rights: Creative Commons Attribution.


Aquaculture Asia Magazine, January-March 2020

In this issue:

Mahseer sanctuaries of Meghalaya: A conservation and recreational perspective; Impacts of climate change on aquaculture in Vietnam: A review of local knowledge; Simple means of water aeration adopted by progressive fish breeders in West Bengal, India; Breeding striped snakehead (Channa striata) using the concrete tank method in the Cangkringan Area, Special Region of Yogyakarta; NACA Newsletter.