Water quality

Content related to water quality.

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A collection of subject tags relating to technical matters.

In this collection

The Grass Carp Aquaculture Manual

This manual covers everything from grass carp's natural distribution and reproductive behaviours to its biology and anatomy. This manual also explores diseases that can affect grass carp and emphasises the crucial connection between animal welfare and stress in fish. With a detailed discussion on cultivation systems, this manual includes pond structures and fish farming techniques in both polyculture and monoculture. It provides practical insights into important aspects such as water quality monitoring, feeding, nutrition, health checks and behaviour assessments at every stage of grass carp farming – from broodstock management to pre-slaughter and slaughter processes. The emphasis is on responsible harvesting techniques, transportation considerations and humane slaughter methods. This manual offers a comprehensive guide for both novice and experienced fish farmers, and enthusiasts interested in cultivating grass carp sustainably and ensuring optimal animal welfare.

Expert Workshop on Aquaculture Effluent Management held in Bangkok

In 2023, FAO and NACA initiated a consultation process on aquaculture effluent management in Asia and the Pacific in collaboration with NACA member governments. Experts across the region gathered information to assess the state of governance, advancements in technology and innovation in aquaculture effluent management. The consultative process culminated in an expert workshop, convened from 14 to 15 November, funded by FAO, to share views and national experiences on aquaculture effluent management.

NACA Newsletter, Vol. XXXVII, October-December 2022

In this issue:

Training Course on Mariculture Technologies in Asia-Pacific; FAO/NACA Virtual Workshop on Aquaculture Transformation in Asia and the Pacific Region; Belt & Road Forum for International Freshwater Fishery Industry Innovation; 8th Global Conference on Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries, 21-23 November; Reported Aquatic Animal Diseases in the Asia-Pacific Region during the First Quarter of 2022; International Training Course on Biology and Pathology of the Penaeid Shrimp 2022; Angkasa Putra inaugurated as first President of the South-East Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Student Association; Artemia webinars: Video recordings of technical presentations available.

Videos: Webinar on management of Artemia resources of the Great Salt Lake, Utah USA

Video recordings and the report of the webinar are now available. The International Artemia Aquaculture Consortium (IAAC) hosted a webinar on Management of the Artemia Resources of the Great Salt Lake, 5 May 2022, at 14:00 UTC. The purpose of the webinar was to familiarise participants with recent international developments in Artemia research cooperation, and to examine the Great Salt Lake as a case study in successful management of Artemia resources in a multi-stakeholder environment.

Post-doctoral Scholarships for women in STEM at the University of Stirling

The University of Stirling has been awarded funds by the British Council to provide funding for four Early Academic Fellowships for Women in STEM. These fellowships will be 6-12 months in duration. The scholarships are available to women who are passport holders and permanent residents of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. For further information please visit the University of Stirling website. The deadline for submissions is 31 March 2022.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, January-March 2021

In this issue:

Exotic trout fisheries resources and potentialities in Uttarakhand; Scenario of captive production of Clarias magur in India; Strategies to reduce feed cost by improving gut health and nutrient utilisation of fish in aquaculture; Fish pituitary gland collection and supply as a vocation in West Bengal, India; Coral trout Plectropomus leopardus aquaculture research and fingerling production in Indonesia; Smartphone app improving smallholder shrimp farming practices in Bangladesh; NACA Newsletter.

Coral trout Plectropomus leopardus aquaculture research and fingerling production in Indonesia

Coral trout Plectropomus leopardus is an emerging exported grouper commodity in Indonesia. The demand for coral trout fingerlings has been increasing and the value of this species is the highest among groupers. However, the rearing of coral trout larvae is notoriously more ‘difficult’ than other groupers. This article describes research on coral trout larval rearing protocols conducted by the Institute for Mariculture Research and Fisheries Extension, which has achieved a survival rate of 12%.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, January-March 2020

In this issue:

Mahseer sanctuaries of Meghalaya: A conservation and recreational perspective; Impacts of climate change on aquaculture in Vietnam: A review of local knowledge; Simple means of water aeration adopted by progressive fish breeders in West Bengal, India; Breeding striped snakehead (Channa striata) using the concrete tank method in the Cangkringan Area, Special Region of Yogyakarta; NACA Newsletter.

Simple means of water aeration adopted by progressive fish breeders in West Bengal, India

In India, West Bengal is the leading state in hatchery-based seed production (spawn, fry, advanced fry) of major carps and other economically important freshwater fishes. Dissolved oxygen is the most critical parameter of water quality and basic necessity in fish hatcheries, nursery and grow-out ponds. Hatchery fish seed production can be limited by the dissolved oxygen content of circulating water. Progressive fish breeders in villages of West Bengal have overcome and eliminated this problem by designing simple but effective means of water aeration to improve dissolved oxygen in hatchery water supplies, maximising survival of fertilised eggs, hatchlings and spawn. This article describes some of the techniques that have been adopted using low-cost and recycled materials.

We need an aquaculture internet of things

We are at the beginning of a new revolution, the Internet of Things (IOT): Smart networked devices and sensors that collect information about their surroundings, communicate with people and machines, make decisions based on programming models and interact with the physical world through control of switches, motors and actuators. Many of these devices are low-cost, literally a few dollars and they are getting cheaper all the time. The IOT offers new opportunities for the aquaculture industry to improve on-farm efficiency.