Better management practices

Improved management practices to generate better crop outcomes, environmental performance and profitability through improved resource utilisation efficiency.

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Quy trình nuôi cá hồ chứa nhỏ

Mục tiêu của cuốn sách nhằm cung cấp những chỉ dẫn cơ bản của CBF, một hình thức nuôi cá hiệu quả, đang được quan tâm nhiều ở các vùng nông thôn miền núi châu.

Good management practices for broodstock collectors

The National Aquaculture Development Authority of Sri Lanka (NAQDA) took several steps to regularise collectors of Penaeus monodon under the restructuring programme of the shrimp aquaculture industry in Sri Lanka. Regularisation of broodstock collectors is very imperative mitigate transmission of white spot disease. NAQDA developed these practices in consultation with the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, shrimp hatchery owners, broodstock suppliers, NARA, Wayamba environmental authority, Sri Lanka aquaculture development alliance and the consortium for shrimp aquaculture development.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, April-June 2007

In this issue:

Sustainable black tiger shrimp farming in Sri Lanka. An economic analysis of Persian sturgeon stock enhancement. Aquaculture and environmental sustainability in Thailand: Food or financial security? Cage fish culture - successful income generation in manmade reservoir Kulekhani, Nepal. Diversification of rice farming alleviates poverty in a Bangladesh village. Sea-pineapple aquaculture in Japan. Green mussel cultivation in Thailand. Selective breeding for growh and fillet yield in Vietnamese catfish. Producing quality fish seed in rural Asia.

Presentations from The 3rd INDAQUA 2007, 11-13 January 2007, Chennai, India

The Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) and the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA) jointly hosted a special session on Better Management Practices (BMPs) at the 3rd INDAQUA 2007, 11-13 January 2007, Chennai, India. The presentations made in the session include i) International principles for responsible shrimp farming; ii) MPEDA-NACA Village demonstration programme, India; Aquaculture rehabilitation and implementation of BMPs in tsunami affected Aceh, Indonesia; and Markets, certification and traceability and small-scale farmers.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, January-March 2007

In this issue:

Cage aquaculture of tilapia in Lake Taal, Philippines. Development and adoption of BMPs by farmer groups. Lotus - an aquatic plant of versatile qualities. Integrated aquaculture-agriculture systems in Bangladesh: Potential for sustainable livelihoods and nutrititional security of the rural poor. Spreadsheet model of the market chain for the live reef food fish trade. Regional Grouper Hatchery Production Training Course. Replacing marine fish oil in aquafeeds with tropical palm oil products. NACA Newsletter.

NACA Newsletter Volume XXII, No. 2, April-June 2007

In this issue:

Expert Workshop on Guidelines for Aquaculture Certification. Responsible movement of live food finfish within ASEAN: Cebu Workshop finalises the standard operating procedures. Information and capacity requirements for maintaining aquatic animal biosecurity identified. China-ASEAN efforts to minimise risk of spread of aquatic pathogens. National Centre for Sustainable Aquaculture inaugurated. NACA Better Management Practices program expands in Indonesia. Manual on Application of Molecular Tools in Aquaculture and Inland Fisheries Management. Research Needs to Sustain Asia-Pacific Aquaculture to 2025 and Beyond. Endemic freshwater finfish of Asia: Distribution and conservation status.

Principes Internationaux pour l'Elevage Responsable de la Crevette

L'élevage de la crevette est l’un des secteurs d'aquaculture le plus en essor dans beaucoup de régions du monde, il est également l’un des plus controversés. L'expansion rapide de ce secteur a généré, certes, des sources de revenus pour plusieurs pays, mais elle a été accompagnée par une préoccupation croissante sur les impacts environnemental et social. Les Principes Internationaux pour l'Elevage Responsable de la Crevette fournissent la base sur laquelle les parties prenantes peuvent collaborer pour un développement plus durable de l'élevage de crevette.


在世界许多地方,虾类养殖是水产养殖业增长最快,而且也是最具争 议的部门之一。这一部门的快速发展为许多国家创造了收入,但也伴随着 对环境和社会影响的忧虑。《负责任虾类养殖国际准则》在以更可持续的 方式发展虾类养殖方面为利益相关者之间开展合作提供了基础。《国际准 则》由虾类养殖与环境协作计划制定。该协作包括联合国粮食及农业组织 (粮农组织)、亚太水产养殖中心网、联合国环境规划署保护海洋环境免 受陆上活动污染全球行动纲领协调办公室、世界银行和世界自然基金会。

Guidelines for environmental management of aquaculture investments in Vietnam

This document provides an analysis of the environmental impacts and risks associated with aquaculture development in Viet Nam and guidance on better environmental management and monitoring for its future development. Part 1 provides a summary of the main findings, and guidelines for future development of the aquaculture sector. Part 2 provides the detailed case study findings. The guidelines presented in Part 1 are based on cases studies of all major aquaculture commodities in Viet Nam.

Princípios Internacionais para a Carcinicultura Responsável

O Cultivo de Camarão é um dos setores de mais rápido crescimento na aqüicultura em várias partes do mundo e também o mais controverso. A rápida expansão deste setor possibilitou a geração de renda para muitos países, entretanto, ela tem sido acompanhada por crescentes preocupações sobre seus impactos ambientais e sociais. Os Princípios Internacionais para a Carcinicultura Responsável provêm a base sobre a qual todas as partes interessadas poderão colaborar para um desenvolvimento mais sustentável do cultivo de camarão.