Better management practices

Improved management practices to generate better crop outcomes, environmental performance and profitability through improved resource utilisation efficiency.

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Subject tags

A collection of subject tags relating to technical matters.

In this collection

Regional Consultation on the Sustainable Intensification of Aquaculture in Asia-Pacific

The objective of the consultation was to develop a regional strategic policy framework to guide national governments and regional organisations in promoting sustainable intensification of aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region. The consultation also identified priority actions and, where possible, practical measures for their implementation, focussing on intensifying aquaculture through more efficient use of resources and environmentally sound practices rather than by increasing inputs to the system.

Is EMS a management problem?

Presentation on the role of management in acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome and "EMS".

Proceedings of the Global Conference on Aquaculture 2010

The Global Conference on Aquaculture 2010 reviewed the present status and trends in aquaculture development, addressed emerging issues relevant to aquaculture development, assessed opportunities and challenges for future aquaculture development and built consensus on advancing aquaculture as a global, sustainable and competitive food production sector. This volume provides information on how aquaculture could be mobilized to alleviate global poverty and improve food and nutrition security in the coming decades.

Guide to establishment of community-based aquaculture management groups

This practical manual "Guide to establishment of community-based aquaculture management groups" was prepared by the national team of Vietnam under the ASEAN Foundation supported project "Strengthening capacity of small holder ASEAN aquaculture farmers for competitive and sustainable aquaculture".

Self-use manual on group formation and group certification of small-scale aqua-farmers

This manual is intended for the use by the current and prospective small-scale farmer groups who are interested in obtaining accreditation for their production process. The objective is to provide them an easy-to-follow, stepwise guide that can be used as a practical tool in their venture of attaining group certification. However, this can be used by the field extension officers and certifiers who are directly involved in the process or other interested parties.

Better management practices for grouper culture in Indonesia: A practical manual

This practical manual covers key aspects for successful grouper farming including formation of farmer groups, cage crop planning, crop calendar and better management practices for cage aquaculture of grouper. These include site selection, design, cage preparation, seed selection and stocking practices, feed, water and health management, harvest and post-harvest, record keeping, marketing and capital strengthening. It is designed for use by small-scale farmers.

Better management practices for seaweed farming (Eucheuma and Kappaphycus)

This practical manual "Better management practices for seaweed farming" is produced by the Philippines national team under the ASEAN Foundation supported project "Strengthening capacity of small holder ASEAN aquaculture farmers for competitive and sustainable aquaculture" implemented by NACA in five ASEAN countries. The long-term objective of the project was to assist ASEAN small- scale aquaculture farmers improve their livelihoods by being competitive in markets and improving farm management practices to deliver quality and sustainably produced aquaculture products.

Training Programme on Catfish BMPs and Cluster Management

This is the report of a training programme on better management practices (BMPs) for catfish aquaculture and cluster-based management, which was held at the Faculty of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Can Tho University, Vietnam, 7-8 June 2011. The purpose of the training programme was to build capacity and awareness of selected cluster leaders, lead farmers and provincial extension officers on catfish BMPs, implementation of BMPs, group formation and operation.

Opening ceremony of the National Workshop on Scaling up of Shrimp BMP Programme at the National Level

Opening ceremony of the National Workshop on Scaling up of Shrimp Better Management Practices at the National Level, held in India, July 2011.

BMPs and cluster management: Way forward for small scale farmers to remain competitive and sustainable

Sena De Silva presents on better management practices and cooperatives as a means for small-scale farmers to ramain competitive and sustainable.