Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific

Promoting farmed shrimp consumption in India’s domestic market: A step towards sustainability

Market-sized Penaeus vannamei from a farm in Purba Medinipur.
Market-sized Penaeus vannamei from a farm in Purba Medinipur.

India's shrimp farming industry plays a crucial role in the national economy, with Penaeus vannamei dominating production and exports. Despite India being one of the world's largest shrimp producers, domestic shrimp consumption remains low. This article explores the economic significance of farmed shrimp, the challenges faced by shrimp farmers in West Bengal, and the potential for expanding the domestic market to enhance industry sustainability.

Disease outbreaks, poor-quality seed stock, fluctuating market prices, and rising production costs have led to declining shrimp farming profitability. To address these issues, strategic interventions such as cold storage infrastructure, policy reforms, farmer training, and cost-effective disease management are necessary.

Promoting farmed shrimp consumption within India is a viable strategy to stabilize the industry. Increasing consumer awareness of shrimp’s health benefits, developing efficient distribution networks, and leveraging marketing initiatives could enhance domestic demand. Government agencies, industry associations, and private enterprises must collaborate to establish shrimp as a mainstream protein source in Indian diets, thereby ensuring long-term sustainability for shrimp farmers.

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Publisher: Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific

Rights: Creative Commons Attribution.


Aquaculture Asia Magazine

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